Select the start date of your monthly recurring appointment
Choose Monthly from the drop down list
Select the frequency of the recurring appointment, for example, every 2 months
Choose whether the appointment should repeat on a specific date of the month, for example the 21st of every month, or a specific day, for example, the 3rd Thursday of every month
Choose how the recurring appointment should end. You can choose to select a date the appointments end on or choose after how many occurrences the recurring appointment should end.
Press Done to save.
Filter by Recurring Appointments
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Use numbered bullet points to describe steps to use the feature (if applicable)
Continue using steps as required
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From the Appointments page on the Visitor Management System, you will be able to filter upcoming appointments to find all recurring appointments.
Open the Appointments screen
Select Filter > Recurring
The appointment list will show all recurring appointments, recognisable by the Recurring Appointments icon.
Video Guide
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