Info |
To manage a request, you need to have the “Request Manager” role assigned to your profile. You can have the Request Manager role in addition to any other roles. |
The primary role in the Request Management product is the Request Manager who manages all aspects of a request. This role can be granted as a standalone role to any registered user. It can also be granted to someone in addition to an existing role they might have e.g. Property Manager+Request Manager - this means the user will accumulate the level of permissions granted by both roles. To assign the Request Manager role, you need to be a Property Manager. Navigate to Settings>Users>Select User>Roles>Add Request Manager:
Select the relevant site and the relevant buildings at this site.
You can add several sites and several buildings at once for each user.
Press Save Role
Request Tab
Once the User has the Request Manager role, navigate to the “Requests” tab.
Status: displays the status defined in the Request Management Settings under Status. The status should be edited to reflect the correct status for the request. Both the Assignee and Request Manager can update this field.
Assignee: displays a drop down list of all the users who have the Request Assignee role for the Building. The Request Manager should select the right assignee upon receipt of the request for the request to be solved promptly.
Reporter: displays all the registered users at the site. By default, the reporter will display the person who created the request however this person can be updated by the Request Manager if needed. The former Reporter will no longer receive updates about the request if their name is removed.
Category and Subcategory: displays the category and subcategory defined in the Request Management Settings under Categories. The request will be reported with a category. The Subcategory should be added by the Request Manager. The subcategory is only visible to the internal team (Request Manager/Assignee/Property Manager).
Watchers: displays all the registered users at the site. The Request Manager should select the relevant ones to follow the request. If the Request Manager adds watchers, the watchers will receive a notification and they will be able to remove themselves from the Watcher list if they are not interested in the request.
Date Reported: displays the date and time the request was reported by the Request Reporter however this date can be edited by the Request Manager.
Location: displays the Building, Level and Space selected by the Request Reporter however this location can be edited by the Request Manager.
Description: displays the description added by the Request Reporter. The description can be edited by the Request Manager.
Internal messages are visible between the Property Manager, Request Manager and Assignee.
Public messages are visible by the Request Reporter, Workplace Manager, Property Manager, Request Manager and Assignee.
Video Guide