The Companies list can be sorted by clicking the small arrows to sort the Companies/Industries in alphabetical order, or users can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Tip |
Tip: This is a quick way to find out information pertaining to your site e.g who has the most registered users |
The columns in the Companies list refer to the following:
Name of the Company
The Industry Classification - Each company has been assigned an industry classification informing you of the sector that the company is in.
Info |
Only Equiem Admins can add Industries |
The Number of Users column shows you how many users are registered from that company at the selected site only.
This is where you can edit or remove a company. There are only certain elements that you will be able to edit for a company that is part of the Regional Catalogue. If you delete a company it will delete all users for that company at the selected site only.
Tip |
Tip: You can use the Search Bar to search for companies or industries. You can also export the data in the table to CSV. |