Open our Content Management System:
Head to and log in using your Equiem account
Click the Content Management link from the toolbar on the left hand side
This will open Iris, our Content Management System
Click the Content Layout option under the Content menu and then the Homepage option.
There are specific permissions required to enable you to create and manage custom content feeds. Please contact if you are unable to see this step.
Click on the Title of the feed you’d like to update and it will take you to a new page to manage the content on your feed.
Take note of the information banner at the top which advises you that content you see in the feed in the Content Management System may not reflect what's actually seen by an end-user due to visibility or segmentation rules. Click on the 'i' icon for further information.
To add content to the feed, select the Add New button in the top left corner.
A modal will be shown allowing you to search for content to include in the feed. You can either search the content title or narrow the search down to a type by using the Filter By Type options.
Here I've searched for an event called 'yoga'. Results matching this title will be shown for me to pick from. Select the one you want to include.
If you made a mistake, you can always remove the content on the next screen as shown. Alternatively, select Insert to continue.
You'll immediately notice that there is a notice next to the Save button that there are unsaved changes. Any edits to this page, whether it's new content or reorganising the position, need to be saved.
In addition to the Summer Time event, I've now added two store products and an additional event. Content such as News, Events and Building Information posts can be edited as per usual in the Content Management System. If store content is included, it will only include the title of the content. Editing must be done via the Store Manager.
To make it easier to identify different types of store products, there is a particular icon for each product type. Here you can see a Deal product, represented by the deal tag, and a Plain product, represented by a shopping bag.
To reposition the content in the feed, all you do is drag and drop the content into the position you want.
In order to remove a piece of content from the feed, click the 3 circle operation icon and then the Remove from feed option.
Remember you need to save these changes after you are done.