In this article you will learn what the Recurring Appointments feature is and how to create recurring appointments on Equiem One.
All users of the Visitor Management System on Equiem One can create Recurring Appointments.
The Recurring Appointments feature allows users to create Daily, Weekly or Monthly recurring appointments for up to a year in advance. The feature has been designed to provide more flexibility, improving operational efficiency and convenience.
Users will be able to create daily recurring appointments for visitors, with elevated flexibility to support up to 365 days of recurring daily appointments.
Users can select either sequential (every 1 day) or non-sequential days (every 2 days) when scheduling a daily recurring appointment in the Equiem Visitor Management system.
Users will be able to create weekly recurring appointments, supporting up to 52 weeks of recurring weekly appointments.
Users can select either sequential (every week) or non-sequential weeks (every 2 weeks) when scheduling a weekly recurring appointment in the Equiem Visitor Management system.
Users will be able to create monthly recurring appointments, supporting up to 12 months of recurring monthly appointments.
Users can select either for a monthly occurrence on a given date (Eg. 20th each month) or a given day (Third Monday each month) when scheduling a recurring appointment in the Equiem Visitor Management system.
How to Create a Recurring Appointment
Open Equiem One and select Visitor Management
Click New Appointment
Fill in the required details, including the title, description and location.
Daily Recurring Appointment
Select the start date of your recurring daily appointment
Choose Daily from the drop down list
Choose how many days the appointment should recur for, for example, repeats every 1 day
Choose how the recurring appointment should end. You can choose to select a date the appointments end on or choose after how many occurrences the recurring appointment should end.
Press Done to save.
Weekly Recurring Appointment
Select the start date of your weekly recurring appointment
Choose Weekly from the drop down list
Select the days of the week each week the recurring appointment is required for, and the frequency.
Choose how the recurring appointment should end. You can choose to select a date the appointments end on or choose after how many occurrences the recurring appointment should end.
Press Done to save.
Monthly Recurring Appointment
Select the start date of your monthly recurring appointment
Choose Monthly from the drop down list
Select the frequency of the recurring appointment, for example, every 2 months
Choose whether the appointment should repeat on a specific date of the month, for example the 21st of every month, or a specific day, for example, the 3rd Thursday of every month
Choose how the recurring appointment should end. You can choose to select a date the appointments end on or choose after how many occurrences the recurring appointment should end.
Press Done to save.
Filter by Recurring Appointments
From the Appointments page on the Visitor Management System, you will be able to filter upcoming appointments to find all recurring appointments. This filter will allow for filtering on historical appointments (90 days from today) along with upcoming, pre booked appointments.
Open the Appointments screen
Select Filter > Recurring
The appointment list will show all recurring appointments, recognisable by the Recurring Appointments icon.
Recurring Appointment Information
Receptionists can easily view/determine which visitors are part of a recurring appointment on the Reception View.
Additional Information for the recurring appointment will be available through a single click within the reception view.
Open the Reception View
Locate the Recurring Visitor Appointment
Click the recurring appointment icon to view additional information about the appointment
Question | Answer |
What’s the maximum length of time I can create pre booked visitor appointments? | Visitor Appointments can be created 12 months in advance |
Can I make the maximum creation duration less than 12 months? | Yes, please see our guide here. |
Is there a limit to the amount of recurring appointments I can create? | No. |
How do I create a recurring weekly appointment that excludes weekends? | When creating your appointment, select the Weekly option from the repeat drop down. Ensure the S and S buttons are unselected before pressing Done. |