Release Details

Product: Bookings - EQ1

Release Date: Monday 16th September 2024

Summary: The ability to manage user approval email notifications via account profile settings


User Approvals

An approval email is sent to Property Managers when a user registers on the platform and their email address does not match any of the approved domains associated with the company they selected during registration.

This setting can now be managed via your Notification settings

Managing Your Notifications

Navigate to your profile via the profile icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and view the Notifications tab. There’s a new section called User Accounts where you can check/uncheck the Awaiting approval email notification.

If the notification is checked, you’ll receive all user approval emails. If it’s unchecked, you won’t receive any user approval emails.

It’s a single setting which applies to all sites you belong to. The setting is enabled by default.

Managing Another User’s Notifications

Navigate to the user settings page where you can manage another user’s notification preferences. The same process applies as above.

History Log

Changes to this setting are recorded in the History section when viewing another user’s profile:

If every Property Manager at the site has this preference disabled, approval emails will be sent to the Contact email address registered in a site’s settings in Admin Panel.




Have we updated any account preferences?

No. You will continue to receive these emails until you update your notification preferences or someone updates them on your behalf.