You can either select another desk or choose different time for the specific desk. When you click Show first available slot, our system will find you the time when this desk is available.
Bug Fixes
Desks that are not available cannot be chosen.
Spaces that are closed are no longer displayed.
Known Issues
The application displays the same dates that are unavailable for the desk, if the user chooses the option to find the nearest available date.
When the user wants to filter the bookings for specific dates, the date format in the filters doesn’t match the date format in the booking details when they want to book a space.
If the user chooses specific dates, removes some of them and wants to add and remove them again then the wrong day is removed.
When you invite several participants to your booking and then remove one of them, all the other invited participants are removed too.
One of the closed spaces is being returned as available to book.
Sometimes the prices for bookings are inconsistent. They do not use booking points when necessary.
When you set the minimum rental time to 1 day and the maximum rental time to 1 day, it causes issues with daily mode bookings because 1 day is considered as more than 24h.
System picks the first available spot instead of date set when switching between daily and hourly mode.
The unit of measure icon in booking preview is different than the one set in the space settings.