Updating the "From" Email Address

Updating the "From" Email Address

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The “From” Email address applies to all system-generated emails for the platform, including store order confirmation, RSVP confirmations, newsletters and email notifications. It defaults to support@getequiem.com but can be updated on a site-by-site basis. 

Typically, this will have been set to the preferred email address by the Equiem team during the project launch phase.

Updating the “From” Email Address

To begin, open Site Settings:

  1. Head to equiem.one and log in using your Equiem account 

  2. Click the Site Settings link from the toolbar on the left hand side, this will open the Site Settings (Admin Panel)

  3. Select your site from the list provided

If you have access to multiple sites you can switch these in the top right corner. Click your profile icon, click Switch site and then select the site name from the list available to you.

Navigate to the Site Configuration button in the top left corner.

Once selected, you will be navigated to the General Settings page.

Select the Operational Details dropdown to expand the available fields.

The From email address field will be pre-populated with support@getequiem.com or the email address set by the Equiem team during the launch of the site. If you would like this updated you can replace this field with the email address from which you would like the emails to be sent.

This email address needs to be one for which your site owns the domain, for example, it needs to match your platform URL e.g. @buildingplatform.com or your landlord or building email address e.g. @company.com

Once you’ve updated this field, you will need to click Save in the top right to apply your changes. Then contact your Equiem representative or raise a support ticket. They will arrange for the DNS records to be updated to validate this email address. The email address will not be live until the DNS records have been updated.


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