Edit / Cancel a Booking

Edit / Cancel a Booking

Cancel a Booking

  1. To cancel a booking, go to the 'My Bookings' tab. 

  2. Find the meeting you want to cancel and click on it. 

  3. Once the pop-up opens, click on the 'Cancel booking' button. 

  4. Confirm the cancellation in the popup and accept the penalty that may occur. 

Edit a Booking

  1. To edit a booking, go to the 'My Bookings' tab.

  2. Find the meeting you want to edit and click on it. 

  3. Once the pop-up window opens, click on the 'Edit' button.

  4. There, you can choose to do the following actions: 

    • Change and extend the time of the booking. 

    • Change the date. 

    • Change the booking's title.

    • Add/Remove attendees. 

    • Add/Remove notes. 

  5. Click 'Done'. 

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