Creating a New Company

Creating a New Company

If you require a company which is not available in the Company Catalogue you can add them by following these steps. 

To begin, access the Company Settings:

  1. Head to equiem.one and log in using your Equiem account 

  2. Click Settings from the toolbar on the left hand side

  3. Select the Companies Tab

Click Add Company and then Create New.

Note: Before creating a new company, always check that the company does not already exist in the Companies Catalogue.

Type in the required fields, including name and industry. When typing the company name, the system will automatically search for available companies from the Companies Catalogue, with a drop down menu. If your company already exists, you will not be allowed to create a duplicate company and can easily add the company to your site by clicking the ADD TO SITE button.

Attributes can be added to your company for content segmentation purposes. For example, you may wish to add ‘Co-working’ as an attribute to a company. You would then be able to segment content that only applies to companies in a co-working office within your site.

You can add multiple attributes and they are unique to your site.

Next, add Email Domains to your company. These are required for when users are registering for the platform. A user who works in a building must select the company they are associated with during registration and their email domain must be an exact match of any of the values you input here. Otherwise, they will need to be manually approved. If no values are set, the user will be approved automatically irrespective of the email address they use to register with. To maintain the integrity of the platform it is important to enter validation values here.

Enter the known email domains of the company you are adding and click the ADD DOMAIN button. You only need to include what comes after the @ symbol, for example, getequiem.com.


Finally, assign a Building and Levels to your company, for segmentation. Buildings and Levels must already be added to your site in the Buildings section, before they will appear on this page.

Press Create Company once complete.

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