How to Set Controls
From the Overview tab, click the drop-down arrow (circled in red below) to expand the Controls settings:
You will then be able to see the parameters available to you:
Next, work through each of the below parameters to set your Controls:
Date - the date range you would like to view data from, select 'from' and 'to' dates from the calendar
Sites - select the site you are viewing data for. It is possible to select multiple sites if you would like to view data from across your portfolio
Companies - you can choose to select individual companies to view data on, although for general reporting on your site, you can leave this as 'all'
Region - select the region you are reporting on if applicable. You may only have access to one region.
Owners - select the owner of the site you are reporting on. You may only have access to one Owner.
Application - you can choose to filter by web/mobile, however, we recommend leaving this as 'all'
Timezone - you will need to set this to zero to ensure accurate data.
The parameters will automatically update as you select each one, there is no need to save.