Multiple Platform Registration

Multiple Platform Registration

On occasion, there may be a need for users to have access to multiple platforms - for example, if a tenant company is based at more than one location with an Equiem building platform. However, the user may not know that the two sites are connected and may register as a new user for the other platform.

To ensure that the user is able to register on the other platform the following is required:

  • The company is assigned in the Companies Settings for the site(s)

  • The user is registered on one site, they can have either status - Active or Deactivated

If the user attempts to register for the other platform with the same password as their existing account, they will be logged in straight away. 

If the user attempts to register for the other platform, using a different password to their existing password, they will receive a warning message stating: 

“Thank you for registering at [SITE NAME]. We’ve sent instructions to your email address in order to finalise activation of your account”

They will then receive an email letting them know that their account has been linked, and they can choose to either Activate their account and log in, or Reset their password and log in. 


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