Discount Code FAQs
Below are some helpful FAQs to familiarise yourself with the feature. It's recommended to watch all of the tutorials first and then refer back to these FAQs.
Where do I go to access discount codes?
Both Site Managers and Vendors can access this via the Store Manager, once they are assigned this permission. There is a button called Discount Codes in the left hand navigation.
I can’t see the discount codes option in the menu
There is a permission called Manage Discounts which allows Site Managers and Vendors to create and manage discounts. This must first be allocated to the user’s profile via the Store Manager.
Are there different statuses for discount codes?
Yes. A newly created discount code starts as Inactive. It must be set to Active in order to work and it can finally be moved to Completed. Once completed, you cannot edit any details of the discount code.
Can I edit an Active discount code?
Some aspects of the discount code can be edited whilst others are restricted from editing. If you made a mistake with something, you will need to mark the discount code as completed and start again.
Can I search for discount codes?
You can search for discount codes on the Discount Codes landing screen, on the Usage Report screen and also locate orders that have used the discount code on the Manage Orders screen.
As a user, where can I see my usage of a discount code?
For both web and mobile, the discount code will be shown at the checkout, in your order history and also on the email confirmation of the order.
What happens when a discount code is no longer valid?
An error message will be shown when the user attempts to ‘apply’ the discount code at checkout. The message will advise them if it’s no longer valid and generally the reason why.
Can a discount code be used across multiple sites?
No. Discount codes are created for a single site.
Can I use the same discount code name twice?
Yes, providing the previous discount code with the same name has been set to the Completed status.
Can I manually end a discount code?
Yes. Select the operations button in the Discount Codes report and select the Complete option.
What’s the maximum character length for discount codes and what characters are supported?
30 characters. Special characters are also supported.
What formats of discounts can be offered?
A specific value (e.g.$5.00) or a percentage discount.
What restrictions can I put in place for discount codes?
Total redemption limit (How many times the code can be used in total)
Total redemption limit per user (How many times the code can be used by a user)
Total spend limit (The total amount of money that can be spent. Once this limit has been reached the discount code will no longer be valid)
Product quantity limit per user (The maximum quantity of participating products that the discount code applies to on a user basis. This limit should only be used in conjunction with the percentage discount format and also counts towards any total redemption limit per user)
How do I use the ‘Product quantity limit per user’ limit correctly?
This limit can only be used with a single product. It allows you to limit the quantity of a participating product that the percentage discount applies to. Using a practical example, if you wanted to give users 100% off a coffee product, users could order 10 coffees (or more) and obtain 100% off all of them. This restriction allows you to put a quantity limit in place e.g. 1. That way users can only get 100% off 1 coffee.
Note that if a user enters a quantity higher than the limit they won't be able to apply the discount to their order.
If using this limit, you should not set a ‘Total redemption limit per user’ as this will act as the main limit on how the discount code can be used.
Can I limit a discount by the time of day or dates?
You can do both. You can restrict discounts individually, or combined, based on the below configuration:
Start and end date
Days of the week
Start and end time for days of the week
What happens when the end date is reached?
We have an automated process that runs at the very start of each day to move any existing ‘Active ‘discounts to ‘Completed’ if they have expired. Note that due to different time zones, the automatic expiry may not happen exactly when you want it to. If you need to expire it at an exact point, you will need to do this manually.
What happens if I do not set any limits?
The discount code will be unlimited.
As a Site Manager, can I include any vendor?
Yes. The discount code form allows you to include any Live vendor at your site and then select all, or some, of the products they have available. You must ensure the vendor has agreed to be part of the campaign to begin with.
Can discount codes be segmented?
Yes. This can be done on the initial setup or when editing a discount code. Segmentation applies to both a user being able to use the discount code and also any promotional settings enabled for that discount code.
There’s an ‘Availability’ column in the table on the ‘Discount Codes’ screen, what does that mean?
This refers to whether the discount code is currently available to use if it has had time or date restrictions set for it. It’s based on the time zone of the site. A green tick indicates that the discount code can successfully be used at the current time, a red cross indicates that it can’t be.
Can I see any changes made to a discount code?
Yes. A configuration log is included at the bottom of each discount code and you can see any changes made, when it was made and by whom.
How do I reconcile what’s owed to a vendor after completing a discount?
This is done via the Store Manager. There is a Usage Report section which provides both a high-level breakdown of usage but also a breakdown of what was used vendor by vendor. A vendor can also see their own Usage Report. The following information is available to a Site Manager when viewing the usage report:
Usage Count (how many times the discount was used)
Total Redemption (total value that the discount code amassed)
Order Revenue (the additional revenue generated from the discount code)
Expanding on each row will also show a breakdown of usage vendor by vendor:
Usage Count
Total Redemption
Order Revenue
Can I export the reports?
Yes. You can export the top-level and detailed usage report showing the above information.
Is additional reporting available in the reporting app?
Yes. Additional reporting will be available to illustrate usage of discount codes in conjunction with products. Note that financial reporting should only be done via the Store Manager.
How can I check if a user has already used the discount code?
Discount code usage is shown when viewing the order via the Orders screen in the Store Manager. Here you can search for a user’s name and then identify if any of their orders has had a discount code applied to it.