Web Asset List
Below you will find the asset requirements for web branding:
Logo: Colour to contrast with primary colour, same logo used on welcome page (logged out) and on header once logged in.
Primary colour: hex code (same or different to app)
Welcome Page image: 1800 x 1200 pixels; png or jpg. Needs to have contrast in the middle for white text overlay. If no image is a provided this page will default to the primary colour.
Welcome Page Heading text: No character limit, but recommended no more than 30 characters.
Welcome Page subheading text: No character limit, but recommended no more than 80 characters.
Home page Header: 1800 x 382 pixels; png or jpg max 5MB
Building page Header: 1800 x 382 pixels, png or jpg max 5MB
Browser Icon: png or icon max 5MB. Will be resized by browser. Recommend this is the same as your app icon (if applicable)