Gallagher Integration: Updating the Email Personal Data Field

Gallagher Integration: Updating the Email Personal Data Field

During the integration your installer should have created a Personal Data Field in the Gallagher Command Centre called Email (or Email address).

In order for the Equiem integration with Gallagher to work, the email address in the Gallagher Command Centre and the email address the user registers on the Equiem app with must match exactly.

The following instructions are for our customers who have been using a third-party app for their Gallagher mobile credentials e.g. Gallagher Connect, so users already have a mobile credential assigned to their profile but the new Personal Data Field is blank.

These steps must be completed for every cardholder in the Gallagher Command Centre.

  1. Find the cardholder, highlight the mobile credential under the Cardholder Cards section and click on Reissue.

Step 1.png
  1. Select lost from the drop-down menu and click ok.

Step 2.png
  1. Copy the cardholder's email address then click cancel.

Step 3.png
  1. Paste into the Email field under Personal Data. Be sure to click save to apply these changes.

Step 4.png


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