Accepting an Offer (Tenant)
As the tenant, you may sometimes get exclusive offers from the manager of your space. It can be a way to show appreciation for cooperating together for a long time.
If you are a new user, the offer we send to your email can also be appealing, demonstrating the capabilities of our application.
Step 1
To accept the offer, go to your mailbox, find the email from spaceOS and click See offer.
You will be transferred to the details of the offer where you see the details of the offer.
Step 2
Fill in the necessary information and click Accept.
Note, that if you are the new customer, you will be asked to provide password so the system will also create a user account for you. In this case, fill in the required fields and click Accept & Join.
Step 3
Check your mailbox for the confirmation of signing your agreement and click Office Invitation. After accepting the offer, the space is visible in your Admin Dashboard > Company Profile.
Step 4
Go to Company Profile > Edit Company > Contract Information > Manage Contracts to check all of your active plans (if you have more than one active plan).
In this section of the Admin panel, you have the option to create your own offer requests and send them to the space manager.