Getting Started.

Getting Started.

To download the app simply enter the app store (Apple Store or Google Play Store) on your device and search for "spaceOS Merchant" app. 

App Navigation

The spaceOS Merchant app is an easy to use and user friendly application. Let’s take a quick tour of the app, starting from the navigation bar:


  • The navigation bar allows you to easily switch between

    • Menu

      • The menu section is where you will setup and maintain your menus and has four sections: 

        • Menu

        • Menu Categories

        • Toppings 

        • Allergens

    • Orders

      • This is the order manager where you can update your customers on their order status with a simple tap. 

    • Restaurant Information

      • This is where you can edit the details of your restaurant, set opening hours and your payments. 

Adding the Workspace URL

  1. When you first open the spaceOS Merchant app you will be asked to enter the Workspace URL. 

  2. You will receive the URL of the building workspace from the building administration team or spaceOS Customer Success Team. 

  3. Copy the link into the space and press [Next]

The Workspace URL is the building you will be receiving orders from. 

Login to the Merchant App

  1. Login using the email address you provided to the spaceOS team. 

  2. You will have received a password setup invitation to your email address. 

  3. Enter the password you setup. 

  4. Click [Sign In].

If you don't remember your password click [Forgot Password].

How to place an order

  1. Open Marketplace in your app. 

  2. Tap on your chosen vendor. 

Adding items to your cart:

  1. Scroll through the vendor's available items or use the filter to select a category. 

  2. Tap to add it to the cart. 

  3. Here you may be offered a choice of additional extras such as sauces or toppings depending on the restaurant. 

  4. Click [Add to Cart]. 

Placing your order:

  1. Once you have all items added to your cart you can: 

    1. Check the order details.

    2. Add additional notes

    3. Make any special requests

  2. Click [Place Order] to confirm and proceed to payment. 

  3. Once the order has been placed you can follow the status of the order. 

    1. Order Placed

    2. In Preparation

    3. Ready to Pickup: you will get a notification when the order is ready. 

Order History

To review your orders open the 'My Orders' tab. Here you will see: 

  1. Active Orders

    1. You will see the status of all your active orders here. 

  2. Order History

    1. All previous orders that you have placed will be shown here. 


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