Adding a New Resource

Adding a New Resource

In this article, you will learn how to add a new resource in the Bookings Module.



Property Managers, Bookings Managers and Workplace Managers can create new resources. Workplace Managers can use the Bookings module to create and manage resources for their company only or for the wider building community.

Resources created by a Workplace Manager for their company only cannot be seen or managed by any of the building Bookings team.

To get started, navigate to the Resources catalogue tab and click on "New Resource" in the top right hand corner

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Work through each section in the New Resource form to build a resource. Any sections that display this message will need to be complete before you can publish a resource.

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The preview panel on the right hand side will show you what the resource will look like to your end users.

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  1. If you have access to more than one site, choose your chosen site from the drop down provided.

  2. Select the building and level for this site from the drop down provided

Workplace Managers will only be able to select buildings/levels that their company is associated with in Equiem One.


  1. Enter the title of the resource.

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  2. Select the type of resource from the dropdown menu.

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    You can add a custom Type for your resource in the Settings if there are none suitable in the drop down list.

  3. Set the maximum occupancy (pax) for the resource.

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  4. Add a description of the resource

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Photos and Videos

  1. Select Add

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  2. Click to upload and select an image from your device. You can choose multiple if required. Ensure all of the image you want to display is included within the cropping square.

    Press Upload.

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  3. If you have a YouTube or Vimeo video of your resource, add the link in the box provided

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  4. If you have added more than one image, the first one you uploaded will automatically be set as the thumbnail image. If you would like a different image to be used as the thumbnail or for the images to be displayed in a different order, drag and drop as required.

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If you are adding a free resource, you can skip the Rates section

  1. Add an hourly, half-day and full day rate for your resource

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  2. Add an hourly after hours and weekend rate, if this is applicable

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  3. Add your business start/end hours and half day duration to allow the correct rates to be calculated for bookings

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  4. Select how users will be able to pay for this resource by ticking the relevant box(s). You can choose between credit card, invoice, credits (if available on your platform) or all three. The credit card payment method is not available for Workplace Managers.

    You can also choose to exempt this resource from the tax rate that has been set up for your site by ticking the box provided.

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To select the credit card option, you must have a Stripe account connected in the Bookings Settings

Invoices will need to be issued from your own invoice system based on bookings made through the platform

If you need to adjust the tax rate, currency, or the tax inclusivity setting for your building's resources, please raise a support ticket


  1. Select the configurations, features and shared facilities that are applicable for your resource

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You can add custom resource configurations, features and shared facilities, as well as custom resource types, in the Bookings Settings > Resource Configuration



  1. If your resource is only available for select dates, for example, an outdoor meeting pod that’s only available in the summer, add the available date range.

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  2. If you require any preparation time either before or after bookings, add the required number of minutes in the relevant section. For consecutive bookings, leave this section as 0.

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  3. Add a minimum time that users can book before the start of a booking and the maximum time before the end of a booking, if required.

    For example, users for this resource will not be able to book less than 1 day in advance, or more than 14 days in advance.

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Booking Type - Slots

The slots booking type allows you to define specific time slots that users can book this resource, for example, a morning session that runs from 8am - 11am.

  1. Select Slots in the Booking Type section

  2. Press Add Hours

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  3. Select the days this slot will be available on

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  4. Add a Title for your slot, for example, Morning Session

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  5. Add the hours for the slot

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  6. Choose the duration type. Users will either be able to book the full session only. In the above example, they would be required to book the full morning session (3 hours), or they can book a custom duration within the allocated slot.

    For a custom duration, select Custom, and choose the duration (in minutes) bookings can be made in the slot.

    In this example, users can make 20-minute bookings within the 3-hour Morning Session slot.

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  7. Press Add

  8. Repeat this process to add multiple slots, if required, by pressing the Add Hours button

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  9. A summary of your added time slots will be shown in the booking type section. Use the pencil icon to edit or the red cross to delete any slots as required.

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Booking Type - Flexible Booking

  1. Select Flexible Booking within the booking type section and select Add Hours

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  2. Select the days this slot will be available on and add a title if required

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  3. Select the hours this resource will be available from/to, and add a minimum and maximum booking time if required.

    In the below example, this resource is available from 9am - 6pm and users can make a booking for any amount of time up to a maximum of 3 hours.

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  4. Press Add

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  5. A summary will be displayed. You can add additional time slots by selecting Add Hours. Edit or remove existing time slots using the pencil or cross icon as required.

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To provide users with additional elements they can book, you can add extras to your resource.

  1. Select Create an Extra

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  2. Add a title and an optional tooltip text prompt

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  3. Choose if users can select an option from a list or if this extra is a free text box.

    For Option to select, add the names of your extras, the maximum quantity you have available and if there is a price associated.

    Press the + button to add multiple extras options or the red cross to delete an extra option.

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    Choose if the user should just select one option or if they can choose multiple.

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  4. For both options and free text, you can choose to make this extra required. Tick the box to enable this.

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  5. Press Add

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  6. Continue to add extras as required by selecting the Create an Extra button. Delete or edit existing extras by using the pencil or red cross icon as required.

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  1. Choose if all bookings for this resource should be automatically approved. If this box is unselected, Property/Bookings/Workplace Managers will receive an email when a user requests to book the resource, they can then decide to approve or decline the request.

    If you have enabled payment by either credit card or credits, bookings must be approved automatically.

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    You can also choose to manually approve bookings for selected companies with all other companies having their bookings automatically approved. If this option is selected, you will need to add the selected companies from the drop down provided and choose whether the resource cost should be hidden during booking.


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  2. If the Visitor Management module is enabled at your site, choose if users should be able to invite a visitor as part of their booking. Tick the box to enable visitor invites.

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  3. Choose if all users at your site can book this resource or if it should be restricted to a selected group of users, for example, to a specific company, building or role.

    If you choose for a select group of users to book this resource, use the pencil icon to edit which users can book.

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  4. Press Select Audience

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  5. Using the segmentation pop-up, add a segment based on who you would like to be able to book this resource and save the audience. In the below example, this resource will be segmented to those that work at Equiem only.

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  6. You can choose whether your audience segment should have the same rates as set in the Rates section or if they will be custom.

    If this segment will have different rates, enter them in the pop-up provided and press Save. If they will have the same rates, press Save straight away.

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  7. A summary will be displayed. You can continue adding multiple segments of users who will be able to book this resource. Each can have a custom rate, if required.

    Continue by selecting Add Another Audience. Use the pencil icon or red cross to edit or remove existing segments as required.

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  8. Use the Add Another Audience button to add additional audiences at other sites, if applicable, by choosing your additional site(s) from the drop down list provided.

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Additional Settings

  1. Choose if users should be able to make a recurring booking for this resource. Tick the box to enable. Note, you will not be able to select this option if you have configured the resource to require manual approval.

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  2. All resources are automatically assigned to the company the creator belongs to, so you'll see your company in the Created By section. You won't be able to change this yourself, but if you do need to edit the company, please reach out to our support team.

    Resources can only be edited by a user with the relevant role from the same company the resource was created by.

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  3. If you have spaces at your site which are dependent on each other, for example, if you have meeting room A and meeting room B which can be opened out to make a larger meeting room C, you'll need to make sure that when a user books meeting room C, they're also booking meeting rooms A and B.

    Make sure you've created your child resources first, then select them from the drop-down list.

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    These dependent spaces will be automatically booked at no extra cost to the user, and other users will be unable to book them at the same time. 

  4. If you have an external calendar used to book resources, you can add the ICS link for the calendar and the email address for the calendar to ensure that bookings made on the calendar are blocked out on the platform, and bookings made through the platform are blocked out on the calendar.

    Add them in the provided section to sync.

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Access Control

If you have an access control integration set up for bookable spaces, you can add the access group information here to ensure either the host or visitor (if adding visitors to bookings has been enabled) receive a QR code to access the space as part of their confirmation email.

Select the relevant group from the drop down(s) provided.

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Terms and Conditions

  1. Add any terms and conditions for your resource in the terms and conditions section.

  2. You can use formatting and links as required

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Cancellation Permissions

  1. Choose if users should be able to cancel and edit their own bookings by ticking this box

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    If you leave this box unchecked, the user will be prompted to contact their Property Manager to make any changes

  2. Add a notice period (if applicable). This means the user will not be able to modify their booking less than the number of days/hours specified.

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  3. Add an edit/cancellation policy if applicable, using formatting and links where required

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  4. Add a cancellation rate if required. You can choose between a fixed rate, for example, a £10 charge, or a percentage, for example, 50% of the total cost.

    Select Add Cancellation Rate and choose between fixed rate or percentage. Enter the rate and press Add.

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    You can also customise how many days before a rate applies, for example, there may be a 50% charge if a user cancels 12 days before but a 100% charge if they cancel 1 day before.

    Continue pressing Add Cancellation Rate as required. Use the pencil or red cross icon to edit or delete any existing cancellation rates as required.

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Once you have completed the build form, you can choose to either save and publish your resource straight away or save it as a draft.

Select your chosen option from the bottom right hand corner.

Save and Publish:

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Save as a Draft:

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The resource will now be visible in your Resources catalogue.

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