Using Equiem's Room Panel Screens

Using Equiem's Room Panel Screens

This article relates to Equiem room panel screens. Refer to this article for information on connecting a third-party room panel screen.


Important Information

Read this section before using Room Panel Screens

Equiem’s room panel screens allow you to display the real-time availability of your bookable resources on a panel outside the resource.

Room panel screens are intended to be used within a secure device housing, preventing individuals within the building from being able to interact and use the device itself.

Room Panels are available to users with the Bookings Observer role within Equiem One. Please ensure a Property Manager is notified should a new user require the role for setting up Room Panels.

We recommend creating a service account (E.g. roombookings@yourbuilding.com) that allows for login to Equiem One to present resource availability. Assign this account the Bookings Observer role only. This avoids the need for any user with elevated permission levels to log in.

How to use the Room Panel Screens

  1. Open Equiem One and log in as a user with the Bookings Observer role only

  2. Once logged in, update the URL via the browser to include “bookings/select-room” after the site URL. E.g. https://equiem.one/bookings/select-room

  1. Select the required resource for the display on the resource room panel.

  2. End users can continue to book resources as normal through their desktop or app platform. Room panel screens will then update automatically within 60 seconds to reflect the latest resource availability information.


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