Accessing Equiem One

Accessing Equiem One

🌐 Equiem One is a website you can open in any browser, but it works best in Google Chrome. 🖥️ It's made for tablets and the mobiles.

To get to Equiem One, just type in: http://one.getequiem.com

🔑 Log in with the same email and password you use for other Equiem stuff.

🔄 If you have access to multiple sites or have been assigned multiple Roles, you may need to switch between these. Use the Site/Role switcher in the top left hand corner and select your desired option from the drop down list.

❓ If you log in and see a message like "You have no roles allocated to your profile on this site", it means you're not set up yet. If that happens, talk to the person in charge of your site or drop us an email at support@getequiem.com.


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