Localization of WebNG - 4 December 2023

Localization of WebNG - 4 December 2023

Release Date

1 November 2023


  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Polish





WebNG (incl. Polls & Marketplace)

WebNG users will now see a language switcher option on their interface where they can select their preferred language.

Keep in mind, if you select French but some of the user generated content is uploaded in German, you will see dual language on the site.

Globe Icon to switch
French/English/German/Polish will be available


  1. What is System Generated Content ?

The content that is automatically generated or populated by a software. 

System-generated content often includes user interface elements, error messages, system prompts, placeholders, and other text strings that are dynamically generated based on system settings or user interactions.

  1. What is User Generated Content ?

User-generated content generated through site configuration and ongoing contributions from the client and its users.

  • Admin Users

    • During the creation of a site, a site administrator configures various elements including buildings, levels, apartments, companies, resource types, and more.

  • End Users

    • Any form of content, such as images, videos, text, testimonials, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms.

Setting languages


Setting languages


Default Site Language

Equiem Regional Admins need to select a default site language in Admin Panel based on the client’s advice when they first create the site.

The default site language governs all applications accessible by this client.

Amin Panel> General Settings > Operational Details > Language


Site default languages available for Stage 1: [English/French/German/Polish]


Mobile apps (IOS/Android)

The language seen by the end user will be picked up via their device settings. An end user will not be able to control the language within the app itself.

e.g. I have set my phone to French, the default site language is German, French is available for the application so I will see the application in French. The end user generated content will still be in German though.

e.g.2 I have set my phone to Spanish, the default site language is German, Spanish is NOT available for the application so I will see the application in German.

e.g. 3 I have set my phone to Spanish, the default site language is Hungarian, Spanish and Hungarian are NOT available for the application so I will see the application in English.

Equiem One

Equiem One users can select their language from the language picker. See release notes: https://equiem.monday.com/docs/5144582138

Equiem One has more languages available than any of our other applications at this stage! Be careful, only English, French, German and Polish are supported by most apps. If you select Spanish in Equiem One and then navigate to the Vendor Management system, it might fall back to a different language.

Vendor Management System (VMS)

VMS will follow either:

  • the default site language or

  • the language selected by the user in Equiem One

e.g. the default site language is German however I have selected French as my preferred language in Equiem One, when I click to open the VMS link from Equiem One, it will open VMS in French.


Once web is released, just like in Equiem One, end users will be able to select their default language from the language picker.

The user generated content will remain in one language.


Important Note

In Equiem One and WebNG, users can switch between languages however user generated content will remain in one language (the one the user uses to create the content in).

  1. Language Picker in end user interface
    If the user selects a language from their language picker, it will prevail over the default site language if it is available.
    e.g. my default site language is in German, I chose French in my language picker.

  2. Default Site Language defined in Admin Panel
    If the language the user selects in their site picker is not available for that application or parts of the application, the application or parts of the application will default back the default site language.
    e.g. my site is in German, I chose French in my language picker but French is not available for Inviting Visitors, the interface for inviting visitors will remain in German.

  3. English US Fall back
    If the default site language is not available for the application or parts of the application, the application or parts of the application will fall back to English.
    e.g. my site is in German, the translation for confirmation message for inviting a visitor is not translated in German, the email for inviting visitors will remain in English.





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