Localization of Mobile and VMS - 1 November 2023

Localization of Mobile and VMS - 1 November 2023

Also known as “Europe Launch” stage 1.

Release Date

1 November 2023

Important Things to Know

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Polish

Ben has created a very helpful summary for internal purpose only: here

If a new language is needed, please use #localization-help





Access Mobile Credentials


IOS and Android mobile apps

Available however please note:

Visitor Management and Bookings are not built natively in the mobile apps. They are embedded Web views therefore still not localised. Web views form part of the WebNG project and will be localised by the end of 2023.

You can either:

1/ Not turn on Bookings and Visitor Management in Admin Panel until the Web localisation is done.

2/ Turn the modules on but tell your clients these UIs will be visible in English for now.

Vendor Management System

Localised (English/French/German/Polish)

  • End users only get access to the marketplace on mobile in the first release.

  • Admins and Vendors get access to VMS on web uniquely via a link in Equiem One.

Please provide Admins with the Property Manager role in Equiem One where a navigation link is included “Store Management”.

Please provide Vendors with the Workplace Manager Role where a shortcut is included “Go to Store Management”.

Emails sent via the store will not be localised until end of 2023

Equiem One (incl. Admin interfaces for Bookings and Visitor Management)

Localised (English US/UK/AU/CA, French, German, Polish, Hungarian, Dutch, Romanian, Spanish, Czeck, Slovak, Japanese)

Visitor Admin Users
Bookings Admin Users

Admin Panel

English Only on web app

Can be viewed in other languages with web browser translation if enabled by the end user.

Content Management (Iris)

English Only on web app

Can be viewed in other languages with web browser translation if enabled by the end user.

Make sure all Admins are onboarded on Equiem One as it includes all the links to the tools they need to enhance their work day.





Access Control

Cannot be sold. Talk to @Greg Slota (Unlicensed) for more information and how to frame conversations with clients.


Will be localised by the end of 2023

Vendor Management System

End users access to the marketplace on WebNG will be included by the end of 2023.

Emails WebNg and Store

The emails will be localised in phases. We will localised end user emails as a priority by the end of 2023, then the store manager emails.

Admin emails will not be localised

End user interfaces for Bookings and Visitor Management

Will be localised by the end of 2023 with WebNG.

Bookings end users
Visitor end users

Request Management

Should be available by the end of 2023


No Flex product provided until end of June 2024


Reference: https://equiem.monday.com/docs/5144582138

  1. What is System Generated Content ?

The content that is automatically generated or populated by a software. 

System-generated content often includes user interface elements, error messages, system prompts, placeholders, and other text strings that are dynamically generated based on system settings or user interactions.

  1. What is User Generated Content ?

User-generated content generated through site configuration and ongoing contributions from the client and its users.

  • Admin Users

    • During the creation of a site, a site administrator configures various elements including buildings, levels, apartments, companies, resource types, and more.

  • End Users

    • Any form of content, such as images, videos, text, testimonials, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms.

Setting languages


Setting languages


Default Site Language

Equiem Regional Admins need to select a default site language in Admin Panel based on the client’s advice when they first create the site.

The default site language governs all applications accessible by this client.

Amin Panel> General Settings > Operational Details > Language


Site default languages available for Stage 1: [English/French/German/Polish]

Ignore the fact it says “Equiem One” the language selected here applies to all application by default.


Mobile apps (IOS/Android)

The language seen by the end user will be picked up via their device settings. An end user will not be able to control the language within the app itself.

e.g. I have set my phone to French, the default site language is German, French is available for the application so I will see the application in French. The end user generated content will still be in German though.

e.g.2 I have set my phone to Spanish, the default site language is German, Spanish is NOT available for the application so I will see the application in German.

e.g. 3 I have set my phone to Spanish, the default site language is Hungarian, Spanish and Hungarian are NOT available for the application so I will see the application in English.

Equiem One

Equiem One users can select their language from the language picker. See release notes: https://equiem.monday.com/docs/5144582138

Equiem One has more languages available than any of our other applications at this stage! Be careful, only English, French, German and Polish are supported by most apps. If you select Spanish in Equiem One and then navigate to the Vendor Management system, it might fall back to a different language.

Vendor Management System (VMS)

VMS will follow either:

  • the default site language or

  • the language selected by the user in Equiem One

e.g. the default site language is German however I have selected French as my preferred language in Equiem One, when I click to open the VMS link from Equiem One, it will open VMS in French.


Once web is released, just like in Equiem One, end users will be able to select their default language from the language picker.

The user generated content will remain in one language.


Important Note

In Equiem One and WebNG, users can switch between languages however user generated content will remain in one language (the one the user uses to create the content in).

  1. Language Picker in end user interface
    If the user selects a language from their language picker, it will prevail over the default site language if it is available.
    e.g. my default site language is in German, I chose French in my language picker.

  2. Default Site Language defined in Admin Panel
    If the language the user selects in their site picker is not available for that application or parts of the application, the application or parts of the application will default back the default site language.
    e.g. my site is in German, I chose French in my language picker but French is not available for Inviting Visitors, the interface for inviting visitors will remain in German.

  3. English US Fall back
    If the default site language is not available for the application or parts of the application, the application or parts of the application will fall back to English.
    e.g. my site is in German, the translation for confirmation message for inviting a visitor is not translated in German, the email for inviting visitors will remain in English.

The shell of the Commercial EU platform is available here: https://commercial-eu.web.getequiem.com/

Next steps:

  • Decide who needs permissions to manage this on an ongoing basis

  • Decide what content - news, events, info and quick links - and in what languages, you want to add to get started

  • Decide if you want any custom content feeds addedg. for segmentation/visitor mgmt receptions etc)

  • Decide what resources, and in what languages, you want to add to get started

  • Decide what vendors, and in what languages, you want to add to get started

  • Decide how you will manage the above "things to note" elements on the platform when changing languages for demos

T&C, Privacy and Cookies will be provided to the Customer team to be added in the local language of choice (English/Polish/German/French). I am waiting to get the final text from the Legal Team to be able to order translations.






  • Will our Platform block users from using web browser translation services (i.e. google chrome often offers to translate terms for me when i visit european customer/ supplier websites and I can't read their privacy polices as published

  • No, we will not block browser translation services. I have already tested it on all our apps, if my browser is Set to French then all our apps are translated in French. This will be specifically useful for Iris which is not localised.

Will default English content in the Admin Panel site set-up localised?

  • Registration buttons e.g. I live here, I work here, I'm visiting

  • My Building page title, and subpages

  • Marketplace page title

  • Welcome Page Heading & Subheading

  • Yes, we have localised the defaults, and localised defaults will be used in all the same situations English defaults are currently used.

Registration Default in Polish
Registration Default in French
Marketplace Header in French
  • You mentioned things like the registration buttons and marketplace title are localised. As these are customisable fields, do these only localise if they are left as the default titles, or can these be overridden and still localised, or do we need to localise these titles directly in Admin Panel?

  • As mentioned above, defaults are localised, if you override them, then they become custom fields and are not localised, they become user generated content so they will default to the language they have been included in.

  • T&Cs, Privacy, Cookies policies will be set in English and may need to be changed for demos in other languages

  • the Product Team will provide the CX team with translations for T&Cs and Privacy Policies.

  • Custom Homepage feed headings will default to the language they are created in.

  • Content will default to the language it was created in, including quick links.

  • Resources will default to the language they are created in.

  • Yes, Custom text will be used in all the same situations custom text is currently used.

  • It appears the (date) formatting on the 'Upcoming Events' carousel has changed on WebNG Home Page. Though this is not consistent across all sites.

  • Yes, this is an intentional change as part of the localisation of webng.

  • As part of the localisation project, we are migrating to a standard set of value formats, and these changes are deployed to production as they are implemented (you may have previously seen similar value format changes in Equiem One and VMS).

  • The web-ng homepage is now internationalised (not the other pages yet but they will), and this includes date/price/number/etc. formatting.

  • The most common standard value formats are documented in the Style Guide confluence space here: https://equiem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SG/pages/1254228053/Localis+z+ation


Until the localisation og WebNg is complete, internal Equiem users might notice inconsitencies, this is linked to the fact they access to sites across different regions and locale.

If you only have web-ng access, your User locale preference will be initialized with the default locale of whichever site you logged into first after the localisation framework was added

e.g. If I register with a US webng site, and then register with a UK webng site, I will see that UK site in US English.

(because user locale preference is user scoped, not user-site scoped)

e.g. if I log into Commercial, and select German, then log into Equiem Tower, I will see Equiem Tower in German.

Our end users will almost exclusively use one site, or sites in the same region. The only real external users who will notice this are client staff managing sites across different regions.

Can I please check if vendors will still be able to access the VMS from the URL https://eu.vendor.getequiem.com?

Yes of course they can. We are talking about new clients here who will require the localisation.

What happens when a new vendor is registering? Do they get the opportunity to pick their language on the VMS registration process?

No, the vendor would need to get assigned the Workplace Manager role in EQ1, select their preferred language (Polish/French/German/English) and it will carry through to VMS, otherwise, VMS will follow the default language for the site.

For new or migrating customers (short term) - we currently have the following regions in Iris, are we happy that EU clients will go into the UK bucket? Or are we creating a new bucket for EU customers, or renaming the existing bucket?


the renaming of UK to EU will be half a day of work. I am going to be transparent, I would prefer not to use dev's time to do this right now we have still a lot to do for Essentials. Can I ask you how crucial it is for you and if it can wait until early next year? I am afraid this one will need to be later, probably more around March if I am realistic with our backlog.

Is the Check-in app localised?

The Check-in app is not localised.



Does the end-user browser translation work on a mobile app? If not, then my assumption would be that we'd need these docs in any languages we're doing for localisation.

The simple answer is no. A mobile app does not work like a website and cannot get translated by your browser because it's an independent system.

what's the future plan for localisation in terms of user generated content? In particular, marketplace is very user-generated content heavy, how do we anticipate enabling someone to be able to understand deals, things for sale, bookable events etc? This is particularly important for sites looking to deliver dual languages. I tried to check the Confluence release notes for what is still come, but I can no longer access (?); there's also limited info on next phase of Localisation the roadmap so I wasn't able to self-serve to answer this question.

Andrew and I are currently running i a discovery on best practices to handle end-user generated content rendered in multiple languages.We have had calls with the SpaceOS team to learn from their experience and the limitations with their current solution.As we are sprinting currently with a lot of "hot" deliverables before December ends, I will not be able to provide you with detailed plans.The only thing I can say is, it is on our radar and we are in a learning phase. Any best practice that you can know of in terms of a content management system handling end user content generation in multiple languages, please share with us.The ideal state is, at a page level, the user is able to automatically generate content in multiple languages using machine translations. If the content is not auto-generated, there is a big chance that some users will only provide the content in one language and end-up with patchy sites which I would like to avoid. Stay tuned and any info you have, please shoot them through.

something else that is hard coded in Iris is content Categories e.g Deals, Nearby, Community etc. These display on the content underneath the title. Just checking if this is on your radar already?

There's actually a UI for managing this in Iris but it's only available to Super admins. New ones can be added, or existing ones amended, but this list is global and was curated by the content team so I wouldn't make any changes without consent of the CX/Content team.

have the check in SMS messages been considered for localisation?


For Check-In and Store SMSes, the body is hard-coded strings. We will localise this the same way we do emails so coming soon.For Iris, the body is client-generated content, so they should enter it in the default language of the site. (

I have 1 question for WebNG localisation - the 2 customisable menu items "My Building" and "Store" have been left as the default name in Admin Panel but have not been localised when I switch my language to German for Die Macherei München site, so they are still pulling the English on WebNG. Should these be being updated or does this still technically count as user-generated content (because it is possible to change these)?If we need to add manually, so be it, I just need the translation for "my building" confirmed and added to the glossary. Store is already on there.

These are user generated content - you need to input the names in German in Admin Panel. 

Are roles localised in the New User invite when you pre-assign a role in the New User Invite widget?

No, roles are not translated because hard coded






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