Equiem One - Language Switcher
Product: Equiem One
Release Date: 12.09.2023
Equiem builds software for a global audience. Our users in each region have different expectations and norms, and our software needs to conform to them to give users the best possible experience.
This can include changes to formatting of dates, times, numbers, currencies, and even the spelling of certain words.
Over the past couple of months, the product and engineering team has been working on creating Equiem's internationalisation framework and, as a result, localising Equiem One.
What does it mean?
Internationalisation refers to the design and development of software applications that are created with the intention of being easily adapted to different languages and regions. This involves creating a flexible and modular structure that allows the application to be easily localised without requiring extensive changes to the code. The goal of internationalisation is to make the process of localisation more efficient and cost-effective, and to ensure that the software is accessible to a global audience.
Localisation, on the other hand, refers to the process of adapting software applications to meet the language, cultural, and other specific requirements of a particular country or region. It involves translating the user interface, documentation, and any other localisable resources of an application into the local language and adjusting any features or functions that are specific to a region or culture.
What have we done so far?
In April 2023, we have completed the internationalisation and localisation of the Equiem One platform for the following languages:
English (US, CA, UK, AU)
What is this release about?
We have now added an option for Equiem One users to switch languages on their interface:
Simply click on your avatar (top right corner).
You will notice a language dropdown. Click on it to open the language picker and select the relevant language you would like to use.
The system generated content* will appear in the language chosen. The user generated content** will remain in the language it was published in originally.
** What is System Generated Content?
The content that is automatically generated or populated by a software
System-generated content often includes user interface elements, error messages, system prompts, placeholders, and other text strings that are dynamically generated based on system settings or user interactions.
** What is User Generated Content?
User-generated content generated through site configuration and ongoing contributions from the client and its users.
Admin Users
During the creation of a site, a site administrator configures various elements including buildings, levels, apartments, companies, resource types, and more.
End Users
Any form of content, such as images, videos, text, testimonials, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms.
Equiem One Example :
What's out of scope?
WebNg, Mobile apps and all our other Admin apps (Admin Panel, VMS, Iris, Registration and Check-in etc.)
Important Note: We are currently in the process of localising the the mobile apps, WebNG and VMS and we will provide you with a further update in the course of October 2023 with all the details.