Additional Charges/Refunds on Bookings

Additional Charges/Refunds on Bookings

Key features:

  • At Bookings/Settings level

    • Ability to activate payment adjustments

    • Ability to set the number of days after a booking is completed that adjustments can be applied

  • At Bookings Management level by Property Manager

    • Ability to apply one or many refunds to a booking

    • Ability to apply one or many additional charges to a booking

  • At Bookings details level by User

    • Have visibility of all adjustments made to the booking

How to use this feature
To access the new feature the function must be activated under Bookings/Settings/Payment details. The Payment Adjustment toggle must be ticked and the Payment maximum number of days must have a value in it. This value will define how many days after the booking has commenced that an adjustment can be applied.


Upon activation, the Property Manager can then apply an adjustment to bookings that are in an upcoming, active or completed status.

To do this the Property Manager (or those with the Property Manager role) is required to access the Booking via the Bookings Management section and View the booking.


Whilst viewing the booking details the Property Manager is presented with two options, Add refund and Add charge.


Additional Charges

The Property Manager is required to enter a value and a reason:


After applying the charge the booking details will be updated including the total and history.



In addition to an email notification being sent to the user, the booking details for the user will also be updated to reflect the adjustment.

When an additional charge has been applied to the booking, it can no longer be cancelled by either the Property Manager or the User, but it can be updated.


When required to apply a refund to the booking the Property Manager can apply refunds to one or many of the line items. When applying the refund the Property Manager must provide the value against the line item (you cannot exceed that line item value) and apply a reason. The Property Manager can refund multiple items in one transaction but the reason will apply to all.


After applying the refund/s the booking details will be updated including the total and history.

In addition to an email notification being sent to the User the booking details for the User will also be updated to reflect the adjustment.



When a refund has been applied, the booking can no longer be updated by either the Property Manager or the User.

Reconciliation Report

The Reconciliation report will also reflect any changes made to the booking. There have been two additional columns included in the report (Additional charges and Refunds) that will display the adjustments made.

Please note that where a booking has been cancelled, the refund issued to the credit card will not be part of the Refunds column.


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