Creating Appointments in Equiem One as a Property Manager

Creating Appointments in Equiem One as a Property Manager

  1. Click New Appointment.

  2. Provide a Title to let your visitors know about the purpose of their upcoming visit.



  3. Further information for the visitor appointment can be provided in the description - This is optional.

  4. Next we will Select a building location for the meeting.


  5. To select a date, use your keyboard to type in the appointment date or click the  Calendar icon to select the date from a calendar for your visitor appointment.

  6. To select a start time, use your keyboard to type in the appointment start time or click the Clock icon to select the start time from a 15 minute interval time picker.

  7. Next let's set a duration for the visitor appointment, to do so, click on the chevron to provide a duration.

  8. Additional information can be shared with the building reception team.

  9. Additional information can be shared with the Tenant reception  team.


  10. Additional information can be shared directly with the Visitor - This is included in the email notifcation sent to the visitors.


  11. The appointment host will default to the user creating the appointment.

  12. This can be changed to another registered user. If this is required select the Change button besides the current host.

  13. Begin to provide the new host information.


  14. A lookup is performed whilst the new host information is provided and the system will suggest hosts for selection.

  15. Click Confirm once the new host has been added.

  16. Confirmation of the new host being reflected on the appointment is presented to the user - The new host will also be notified via email of the newly created appointment.


  17. A notification can also be set for the host to receive an email when the visitors check-in at the building reception.

  18. Now let's add some visitors, to do so, click the + Add visitors  button.

  19. Begin to provide the visitor information.

  20. Providing an email address for the visitor will ensure they receive a email containing information related to the visitor appointment.


  21. Once the visitor information has been provided, click Add Visitor.

  22. Confirmation is shown for visitors added to the appointment.

  23. Frequently invited visitors as displayed within the suggested visitors section.


  24. Confirm the details for your appointment are accurate and click Save to confirm the appointment creation.

  25. Confirmation will be displayed for the newly created visitor appointment. Click Done.

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