Introduction to Visitor Management
What is Visitor Management?
Visitor Management enables registered site users (Employees, Tenants) to be able to create visitor appointments and send invitations to visitors, providing further information related to their upcoming site visit.
Visitor Appointments created through the Visitor Management product will be reflected against an associated reception desk within Equiem One. This allows visitors to be processed swiftly through building receptions to their respective meeting hosts' demised area.
The Visitor Management system allows for both building-level and tenant-level receptions to be created and managed against a building and additional controls to manage the registered users' access to the Visitor Management module.
Features & Roles
The Visitor Management product operates through a role allocation to ensure users can perform the right tasks, the roles being represented across the product have been outlined below:
Property Manager
Workplace Manager
Property Managers
As a Property Manager, you'll be able to:
Create, edit and delete building receptions.
Create, edit and delete tenant receptions.
Allocate the receptionist role to building and tenant receptions.
Control Visitor Management module access of registered site users for each building tenant (All vs Selected users).
Create proxy visitor appointments for all site users.
The Property Manager can defer the management of tenants usage of the Visitor Management product through the allocation of the Workplace Manager role to key tenant contacts.
Workplace Managers
As a Workplace Manager, they'll be able to:
Create, edit and delete their tenant reception areas.
Allocate the receptionist role to registered users for their tenant receptions.
Create, edit and delete their company employees visitor appointments.
Control Visitor Management module access of registered site users for their employees (All vs Selected users).
Access to reception widgets for tenant visitor activity (Today & Tomorrow).
As a Receptionist, they'll be able to:
Access reception desks that they've been added to.
View all pre-booked building appointments.
Check-in and check-out visitors.
Create walk-in visitor records.
Access notes if provided by meeting organiser.
Search across upcoming visitor appointment activity.
Equiem One widget with number of pre-booked visitor appointment for today/tomorrow.
As a Employee/Tenant, they'll be able to:
Create, edit and delete visitor appointments through Desktop/Mobile App*.
Send email notifications to visitors for new/updated visitor appointments.
Provide visitor information via notes to reception teams.
Provide visitors with additional information relating to their visitor appointment.
Optional Visitor check-in Notifications for Hosts.
As a Visitor, they will:
Receive an email notification for new/updated appointments (if email is provided by the host).
Receive additional onsite guidance (if provided by the host).
Calendar invite (.ics) for visitor appointments.
*Requires Permissions