Buildings, Companies & Apartments Required Information

Buildings, Companies & Apartments Required Information

To ensure we can efficiently build your platform, please provide the following information using the Excel file provided at the bottom of this article:

  1. Building Details:

    • Number of buildings.

    • Number of levels/floors in each building.

    • Occupants in the building.

    • Daily Footfall.

    • Building area in square metres/square feet.

    • Would you like us to group 1 or more buildings into a specific “Area”?

  2. Tenant Companies Information:

    • List of companies within each building.

    • Number of employees per company.

    • Industries of the companies (e.g., technology, finance, healthcare).

    • Specify which levels/floors each company is located on within the buildings.

    • Company email domain(s) - everything after the @ symbol in the email address

    • Industry

    • Company Attribute (e.g co-working)

    • Approximate Number of Employees


  3. Residential listings (if applicable in your building):

    • Apartment Name/No.

    • Building

    • Level

    • Firewall (Do any of the tenants have a firewall?)


Please download the file here to fill in the required details.

Once completed, kindly return the completed document to your Customer Onboarding Specialist.

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