Required Email Addresses

Users will be able to get in contact with you from various places across your Equiem platform. Please fill in the below form with the relevant email addresses and return this to your Customer Onboarding Specialist once complete.

Download the Required Email Addresses form here:



Email address

Reply-to email address

Replies to any system generated emails will be sent to this email address.


Contact email address

This email address serves as the contact point for the "Contact us" link displayed in the menus of both the web and mobile apps. Without a specified email address, these links will not be visible. Additionally, it is utilised for operational services, such as Access Control, in the event that a user encounters an error.


Default Iris author (Content Management system)

If an author isn’t assigned to content in Iris, it will show as authored by this user. Note that it can take up to 24 hours to sync changes through to Iris.


Default Iris post assignee

The Default Post Assignee is the Iris profile associated with a site that will receive the Iris email notifications when a Workplace Manager suggests news and/or events.


Privacy Policy contact

Who is the Privacy Officer to whom we can contact in case of questions related to the Privacy Policy.