Permits Configuration

Permits Configuration

In order to configure the Permits module specific to your site, you will be asked to complete the questionnaire below.

Download the file below and, after completing it, send it to your Customer Onboarding Specialist:

Download the Permits Configuration Questionnaire here

Permits Configuration Questions



Will you use the Equiem question templates or provide your own? Templates can be found on the following tabs.


Please indicate which question set(s) apply to which permit type: Access or Works


Would you like question sets to be ticked or unticked by default? E.g. if ticked, a contractor will have to make a choice on which templates they don't require.


Are comments mandatory?


Would you like to capture the car registration?


Will you be capturing the contractor's signature digitally (ie. via iPad)?

If yes, please confirm you have the device in place
and who will be welcoming contractors to site (e.g. Security). Name(s) and Email Address(es)


Do you want to stop contractors submitting permits without uploading documentation?


What is the minimum notice period for a permit to be submitted?


What is the maximum duration of a permit?


Is the contractor phone number mandatory?


Do you have essential documents / required reading? E.g. House Rules & Regs. If yes, please provide as an attachment upon return of this template.


Please list users who need to be notified of new permit submissions. Please provide name(s) and email address(es)


Please list the Property Management team member(s) who need to be included in the training for this module, and what level of permit approval they require (1,2,3). Please provide name(s) and email address(es)



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