Platform Branding: Best Practices

Platform Branding: Best Practices

This document is designed to assist you in gathering and submitting your unique brand assets, which are essential for tailoring the Equiem platform to your brand's identity.

It contains a comprehensive list of the images and brand assets required for branding your Equiem platform:

Mobile App Branding

Required for All Apps

  • Primary Colour: Hex Code - preferably a dark or bright colour to contrast with white. You have one primary colour

Primary colour:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 18.43.42.png

Primary colour on app:

Primary Colour on App.jpeg


Primary colour on web:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 18.44.20.png


  • App header: Max size 5MB, png or jpg. Recommended size: 1500 x 750 pixels

The following example includes the logo in the image file provided:

Example App Header.jpeg

The following image does not include the logo in the file provided:




The following image has the site (property) name overlayed in plain text. Please note, the font for this text is not able to be changed:



  • App Info page header: Resized by device, max size 5MB recommend a high res image. Png or jpg.



Required for Branded (White Label) App

  • App Name: 30-character app store limit, 12-character display name limit.

Please check the availability of your preferred name using a tool like Name Check - Apple and Google Play availability is indicated at the bottom of the search results. We recommend checking names with and without spaces, e.g. My App and MyApp.  

App Store Name: The Marvellous Building App

Display name: The Building

App Store Name:

App Store name.png

Display Name:

Display name.png


  • App Icon: iOS 1024 x 1024px and Android 512 x 512px, see full specifications below. See the latest guidelines for iOS and Android


  • Minimum resolution of at least 72 DPI

  • RGB color space

  • It must not contain layers or rounded corners

  • No alpha channel

  • 1024px × 1024px


  • 32-bit PNG (with alpha)

  • Dimensions: 512px by 512px

  • Maximum file size: 1024KB

Example App Icon.png


  • App Splash screen (iOS only): 1125 x 2436px portait, PNG or JPG. Please ensure that any copy or logo is included in the centre.

  • Push Notification Icon:  96 x 96 PNG, white icon on transparent background (we recommend you use your logo for this)

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.06.16.png


  • My Account Header: An image or design that will contrast with the white text overlay which will be applied automatically.


  • 1125 x 549 pixels PNG


  • 1440 x 704 PNG


My Account header with image:


My Account Header as block colour:



  • Feature Graphic (Android Only): 1024 x 500px JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). An image or design that will accompany your app in the Google Play Store on some devices.

  • Subtitle: A summary of your app that will appear under your App’s name. Can’t be longer than 30 characters. Applies to iOS and Android.


Join the Community

Tap into SITE

A new workplace experience

  • Description: A description of your app, detailing features and functionality. Limited to 4000 characters. Please only include functionality that will definitely be available upon the first release of the app as features that are not available could lead to app rejection (e.g. if you are building a new conference space, which is not yet open, please do not include this in the description) Applies to Android & iOS. 


Stay up to date with your workplace events, news, sustainability, and wellness features. Download the SITE app to join the community. You will benefit from exclusive offers, can book events, meeting rooms and invite your guests plus be updated with information and get support from our onsite management team.

Stay in touch with SITE, a thriving and unique community for you, your business, and your colleagues by downloading the APP NAME app. Our community app is exclusive to all occupiers of SITE and you will benefit from local and national offers, promotions, sustainability, biodiversity, discounts, news, events and park information.

  • Keywords: Separate keywords with a comma. These are to help people find your app when searching in the app store. Include your property name, app name and any other key search terms. Limited to 80 characters, excluding spaces.

site name,site abbreviation,app name,city,community,workplace,events,tools,portal

  • Categories: The category that best describes your app. Suggested categories: Business or Lifestyle.


Web Platform Branding

  • Logo: Colour to contrast with primary colour, same logo used on welcome page (logged out) and on header once logged in. 

Logged in homepage:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.07.30.png

Welcome page (logged out):

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.07.39.png
  • Primary colour: hex code (same or different to app)

  • Welcome Page image: 1800 x 1200 pixels; png or jpg. Needs to have contrast in the middle for white text overlay. If no image is a provided this page will default to the primary colour.

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.09.49.png
Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.07.39.png


  • Welcome Page Heading text: No character limit, but recommended no more than 30 characters.


Join the Community

Enjoy unparalleled convenience

A new workplace experience

Welcome to SITE 

  • Welcome Page subheading text: No character limit, but recommended no more than 80 characters.


Packed with convenient tools & services designed to make work life even easier.

Discover all SITE has to offer

  • Home page Header: 1800 x 382 pixels; png or jpg max 5MB

Homepage header with image:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.13.53.png

Homepage header with graphic:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.14.22.png


  • Building page Header: 1800 x 382 pixels, png or jpg max 5MB

Building page header with image:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.13.04.png

Building page header with graphic:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.15.24.png


  • Browser Icon: png or icon max 5MB. Will be resized by browser. Recommend this is the same as your app icon (if applicable)

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 09.17.03.png


Email Branding

  • Email header: Width 600 pixels, png or jpg max size 5MB

Example Email Header 1.png
Example Email Header 2.png


  • Email footer: width 600 pixels, png or jpg max size 5MB

Plain footer in primary colour:

Heals Email Footer (1).png

Footer with brand graphics:

White Rose Park Email Footer (1).png


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