A guide to troubleshooting
Experiencing an issue with your platform?
From time to time, you might encounter an issue with your Equiem platform that requires some troubleshooting or assistance. We've put together a set of initial troubleshooting suggestions to first help you address the issue on your own, as well as a comprehensive guide on how to reach out to our support team for additional help if required.
First troubleshooting steps:
Web platform
Check you are using Google Chrome
Have you got the latest version installed?
Are other websites working/is there an issue with your internet connection?
Does the issue still persist if using Incognito /Private browsing mode?
Clear your cache and reload the site
Mobile App
Check what version of the app you are using and update to the latest version if required
Is your iOS / Android software on your phone up to date?
Are you connected to the internet?
Does pulling down the screen to refresh help?
Can you find the answer to your question on the Help Center?
If your issue is related to content not publishing, check our guide.
Do you have the correct permissions to complete the task you are having trouble with?
If these steps are not applicable or have not helped, and you're raising a support ticket or asking one of our team for help, please try to include as much information as possible in your request. This will help us to help you faster and ensure we get you back up and running as soon as possible.
We've compiled the handy checklist below for you to use when reaching out for support.
Clearly define the question or problem:
Describe your issue in detail
Provide symptoms
Steps you've taken
How to reproduce
Send screenshots/videos. Equiem is a highly customisable, complex product. Including screenshots or videos helps us determine the source of the problem much faster. Sometimes it's easier to show than to tell!
Tell us where the issue is happening, in your browser or the mobile app?
What browser are you using?
What device are you using?
What version of the app are you using?
Identify the business impact. Tell us who is being impacted by the issue. Is it just one person or multiple people?
Once you have all the required information together, please reach out to the team who will be able to assist you.
You can raise a support ticket here.