Essentials: Bookings

Essentials: Bookings


Navigating the Bookings Tool

To access the Bookings tool, open your building platform and select Bookings from the left hand menu.

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The Catalogue tab will show you all available resources at your location.


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Use the toggle to switch between list or calendar view.

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Use the search bar on the right hand side to find a specific resource or use the filters to narrow down the results by your requirements.

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Booking a Resource

To book a resource, either select the resource you’d like to book (from the list view) or select the time you’d like to book under your chosen resource (from the calendar view).

A side panel will open with the booking details. Hover over each of the icons to see what features are available with this resource.

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Select the More Details button to find more information.

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Add the date and time of your booking or select one of the available slots.

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Choose how you would like the space to be set up and add a title for your booking. The title is optional and only visible to you.

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If you need to add a note for the bookings team, select the Add Note button and add your message.

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If there are any extras available for this resource, they will also display in this section. Add any extras if required.

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Read and accept the terms and conditions.

Select Confirm Booking.

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Your location may require a member of the bookings team to approve your booking. In this case, you will be notified once your booking has been approved.

Adding Visitors to a Booking

Depending on your location, you may have the option to invite visitors to your booking. If prompted, tick the I want to add visitors box.

Once your booking has been completed, you’ll be taken to a corresponding visitor appointment to invite your visitors.

If you need to make any amendments to the visitor appointment such as date/time, you will need to edit the booking first.

Payment for Bookings

Some resources may have a cost associated with them. This will be displayed in the Catalogue.

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Depending on the options set up at your location, you’ll either be able to pay by credit card, invoice or credits.

Any costs associated with your booking will be displayed at the bottom of the booking side panel.

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You’ll then be prompted to go to the payment.

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Credit Card

For credit card payments, provide your credit card details where prompted. The payment will be taken immediately.


When paying by invoice, you’ll either be prompted to provide details for invoicing or to select from a list of pre-approved billing details for your company.

Either select the correct billing details or add your own, review the cost and terms and conditions, then press Confirm Booking.

The bookings team will invoice accordingly.


The payment section will confirm the number of credits required to make this booking, the name of the membership and the current credit balance (before the booking).

Select Confirm Booking. The credits will be automatically deducted from your balance.

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Managing Bookings

Open the Bookings tool and select the My Bookings tab.

Here you will be able to see all your bookings. You can also change your view to see only upcoming, past or cancelled bookings by switching between the tabs.

Use the search bar to find a specific booking.

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Depending on how the resource has been set up at your location, you may be able to make changes or edit your booking before it starts.

To make any changes or to cancel, select your booking from the My Bookings tab and select either Cancel or Edit.

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If editing your booking, make your required changes and press Confirm Changes.

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When cancelling a booking, you may incur a cancellation charge

Bookings Notifications

You will receive an email to confirm:

  • Booking confirmation

  • Updated appointment confirmation (following a change)

  • Cancellation confirmation

  • Reminder of an upcoming booking

  • Approval pending (if the bookings team need to approve your request)

  • Request denied (if the bookings team have declined your booking request)

  • Charge adjustment (if the bookings team need to charge extra or refund any element of your booking)

You can switch off all or some of these notifications in your profile.

Click your profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Manage Profile. Head to the Notifications tab.

Opt in or out of bookings notifications as required and press Save Changes to confirm.

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