

Amenities are what your spaces can offer in terms of extra items to make your members experience more effortless.


Some examples of the amenities are

  • Whiteboards

  • Phone

  • Video Conferencing

  • Coffee Machine

  • Adjustable Desks

  • Projectors

When members are searching for a space they can use your amenities to filter for spaces that have certain amenities available.

Creating Amenities

  1. To create a new amenity click the (+) on the main view. 

  2. Fill in the following details: 

    1. Location: The amenity can be found at the following location(s). 

    2. Image: An image of what the amenity looks like. 

    3. General Information: Description of the amenity. 

    4. Availability: The hours the amenity will be available. 

    5. Icon: An icon to represent the amenity. 

  3. To finish, click Create new amenity. 

Fields with an * are mandatory fields. 

Edit Amenities

From the list view you can edit, delete or export amenities. 

Edit / Delete amenities

  • Click the [:] and choose Edit or Remove. 

Export Amenities

  • Select the amenities you would like to export. 

    • Using the check box select the specific amenities you would like to export. 

    • To select all amenities click on the check box at the top right hand corner. 

    • Click Export csv.

    • This will also allow you to see how many products you have in total. 


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