Equiem Tools Training: Introduction to Equiem One
This session is perfect for new team members or for those who want a quick review. This session is an introduction to Equiem One for those using the Property Manager Role.
We have also provided some actions for you to try following the session to help you put into practice what you've learnt.
Session Topics
Overview of Equiem One
Profile and Notification settings
Tools & Shortcuts
Trending News and Events
Site Engagement
Operational modules
New User Invites
Managing Workplace Manager content
User Settings
Building Settings
Company Settings
Apartments Settings
Check your knowledge
Try completing the actions below on Equiem One to apply what you've learned!
Search for yourself under Settings > Users and see which Role you've been given.
Open an article from the Trending News section in the Content Management System.
Practice inviting a user to your platform using a dummy email address.
Add a custom shortcut in Equiem One for a tool you often use (if applicable).