Equiem Tools Training: Content Management System Advanced
This session is perfect for new employees, or for anyone who would just like a refresher.
This session covers:
Overview of Polls
Creating and embedding a poll
Poll reports
NPS and Feedback
Campaign Management
Reordering Building Information posts and Quicklinks
Custom Content Feeds
Check your Knowledge
Have a go at completing the below actions on your platform and put what you've learnt here to the test!
Create a Poll asking your users what wellness events they would like to attend. Embed the poll in a News Post.
Create a Feedback post asking users how they rate the cycle facilities in the building
Copy to your site and Activate the latest Monthly Editorial Content Campaign from The Hub Library
Reorder the Quicklinks on your homepage
Create a Custom Content Feed called Editorial and add the Editorial Content pieces to it. Practice switching this on/off (if your platform isn't live).
Unable to access The Hub Library? This may not be included in your Equiem package. Contact your customer team to discuss the options available to you.