Equiem Tools Training: Content Management System Comms

Equiem Tools Training: Content Management System Comms


This session is perfect for new employees, or for anyone who would just like a refresher.

This session covers:

  • Where to find the Communication Tools

  • Equiem One Shortcuts

  • Creating a Newsletter, Single Post Notification, Email Notification, Push Notification and SMS Notification

  • Scheduling & Sending Communications

  • Segmenting Communications

  • Reporting on Communications


Check your Knowledge

Have a go at completing the below actions on your platform and put what you've learnt here to the test!

  1. Create a Newsletter that includes five recent pieces of content.

  2. Schedule this for a date in the future, then pause the scheduling and make a change.

  3. Create a Single Post Notification and edit the subject line.

  4. Create an Email Notification and try segmenting this to Workplace Managers then save it as a Draft.

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