Inviting Multiple Users

Inviting Multiple Users

To begin, head to equiem.one and log in.

Scroll down to the Manage New User Invites widget and click the +INVITE button.

Click the BULK UPLOAD button.

From here, paste a list of the email addresses you would like to invite, separated by a comma or on an individual line (helpful if you are pasting a list from a spreadsheet).


Each email address will now be populated in the following pop-up. From here, click INVITE USERS.

  • If the employee is already registered on the platform or has already been invited, a pop-up will advise you of this

  • If the email address is spelt wrong, you will see an error message

The people you have invited will then receive a personalised email in their inbox inviting them to register to the platform. 

Check the " Manage New User Invites" to follow the progress of their registration or send them a reminder using the 3 dot menu and selecting to resend the invite.

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