Creating and Managing Tenant Receptions (Workplace Manager)

Creating and Managing Tenant Receptions (Workplace Manager)

  1. Once logged in to Equiem One,  ensure the correct site is displayed within the header navigation.



  2. To manage the tenant receptions we need to navigate to the Visitor Management settings page, to do so, Click Visitor Management.

  3. Click Settings.

  4. A list of existing receptions for your company will appear here - To create a new reception, click Create Reception.


  5. The next step will be to provide the information related to the new reception being created, starting with the building.

  6. Then the Level the reception is positioned on.

  7. A unique name can be added via the Suffx feld to differentiate between multiple receptions being located on the same Level/Floor.


  8. To add receptionists to a new/ existing reception use the search feld to locate registered site users.

  9. Once the user is located, click  Add.

  10. Once all of the receptionist users have been added, click Save.


  11. A user message will be be presented confirming the creation of the new reception.

  12. To manage a reception and the users assigned to access a reception, click the edit button within the reception list of the settings screen for Visitor Management.

  13. A reception can be deleted via the meatball menu contained within each reception row.

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