New Reporting Dashboard Tab

New Reporting Dashboard Tab

Release date: 24/03/2023

Product/Application: Equiem One

System URL: https://<region>.reporting.getequiem.com/

System Access:

Log in using your Equiem account. If you do not have access, you will see a message that says  "Your email and/or password is incorrect - please try again. Contact support@getequiem.com if you need help"

New Bookings reporting panel


Provide the Property Manager and Customer Success Managers with a greater insight to patterns of resource utilisation at their site:

Key features

The report includes:

  • Number of new bookings made during the time period

  • Breakdown of what companies are most active when making bookings

  • Month by month breakdown of bookings

  • Indicator of the busiest days and times during those days

  • Spend by resource


This report can be customised to better refine the results displayed. Customisations include:

  • Date range

  • Sites

  • Companies

  • Clients

  • Applications

  • and User types

Please note the Timezone zero is GMT and you will need to adjust for your timezone

Information provided

By default the report will display all bookings for the site. The user can drill down to resource level by selecting the resource they wish to better understand.

The graph below displays the number of bookings made over the period of time broken down to monthly increments

To better understand both the times and days that the resources are utilised the below table breaks down the bookings into both day and time brackets

And finally you are able to view the overall usage of a resource and any spend associated with the bookings for that resource

We hope that this provides you with an oversight of your resources and how they are being utilised


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