Introduction to Segmentation

Introduction to Segmentation

Segmentation provides the ability to target a specific audience with content, communications, resources and products.

There are multiple ways we can segment to users:

Building & Level Segmentation
Building segmentation provides the ability to target all users that are located within a building. In addition, you can also segment by a specific level within a building. Buildings and Levels are set up within Equiem One Settings and will be automatically assigned to users depending on their company location.

Company Segmentation
A user’s company will be determined upon their registration and will be automatically linked to building location. Company segmentation allows you to target all users within a specific company. You can also create groups of companies by assigning them Company Attributes, such as Retailer or Co-working, allowing you to target all retailers, for example.

Group Segmentation
Group segmentation allows you to target users that have been assigned specific groups, regardless of their company or building. These may include Fire Warden or Green Group Member. Groups are manually assigned to users in the User Settings.

Attribute Segmentation (Interests)
A catalogue of user attributes is created and assigned to sites within the Taxonomy section of Site Settings. Unlike other types of segmentation, users assign themselves Attributes in their profile as Interests. Attribute segmentation therefore allows you to target users based on their interests, for example, Wellness, Food & Drink or Sustainability.

User Type
For sites with multiple user types, you can segment based on the type of user, for example, Commercial, Residential or Visitors (General Public). This allows you to provide a different experience for users based on their association with the site, for example, Commercial office workers will be able to see different building information content compared with those who visit the site on the weekend.

Role Segmentation
You are also able to segment by Equiem One Roles such as Workplace Manager, Property Manager and Request Manager. This allows you to share specific content, communications, and more, based on a user’s role. For example, sharing content specifically for Workplace Managers on how they can share content with their employees through the platform.

Groups and Attributes segmentation are managed through the Taxonomy section of the Site Settings (Admin Panel), the remaining segmentation types are created automatically when your site is configured

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