Adding an Area to a single Building
Adding an area to a single building enables you to group levels so that you can use content segmentation, to release targeted communications. Adding areas (such as high rise or low rise) enables you to contact a specific user group, and release targeted communication relevant to that group only, such as an email newsletter regarding development works affecting the high rise tower.
Before you create your area you will need to create and save the building.
To begin, head to the Buildings page, and Edit your desired building.
Scroll down to the Areas section, and Add New to create a new area.
Type the name for your new area. Select the building you'd like to add the area to and then check the boxes for the levels you'd like to add to your Area.
Click Save Area to confirm your changes.
You can also group multiple buildings together into a group e.g. North Park, South Park, see the next stage for how to do this.