Developer Account FAQs

Developer Account FAQs

Find frequently asked questions relating to developer accounts here.

Q: What is a developer account?

A: A developer account allows you to distribute your applications through official channels like the App Store or Google Play Store. The account is set up in a way that means you are the owner of the application, however, the Equiem mobile team are admins so we can manage feature releases and updates on your behalf.

Q: Why do I need a developer account?

A: We are unable to release multiple versions of the same app under our developer account, therefore, for White Label Apps, this must be under the customer name.

Q: What is a D-U-N-S number?

A: A D-U-N-S (Data Universal Numbering System) number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses, issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), a company specializing in business information and analytics. The D-U-N-S number is widely used for identifying and tracking a company's credit history and financial performance.

Q: Can Equiem create a developer account for me?

A: In short, no. As part of the process, Apple and Google terms and conditions must be read and accepted, and we are unable to do this on your behalf. In addition, as part of the verification process, a key contact from the registration process must be confirmed as working for your organisation.

Q: How much does a developer account cost?

A: An Apple developer account requires an annual fee of $99. A Google developer account requires a one-off fee of $25.

Q: If we don’t have a corporate card to pay for the developer account, can Equiem help?

A: Yes, please contact the Equiem team if you need assistance paying for the developer account on a one-off basis. We will invoice this fee back to you, please provide any relevant invoicing details e.g. PO number when agreeing this with the Equiem team.

Q: Which organization should I use to create the developer account?

A: We recommend that the property owner / landlord is the organization used to create the developer accounts. However, in certain circumstances (see our guidance on Trusts, SPVs and Funds) using the Asset Management company or a third-party service provider (e.g. IT provider) may be the fastest route to getting the accounts set up. In our experience, it is difficult for the Managing Agent organization to be used to create and share the developer accounts.

Q: My organization does not have a D-U-N-S number, what do I do?

A: You can request a D-U-N-S number here. This may take up to 30 days to be reflected in the D-U-N-S registry. You will need this to be able to create your developer accounts.

Q: My organization does not have a website, what do I do?

A: If your property or portfolio has a website, you could try updating the copyright, footer or legal policies to include your organization’s name. You will also need an email address connected to your property or portfolio’s website when creating the account.

Q: My organization does not have any employees, what do I do?

A: It sounds like your organization might be a Trust or SPV. Please see the question & answer on this particular organizational structure.

Q: My organization Google verification failed because the name on the document did not match, what do I do?

A: The document name on your certificate of incorporation or VAT registration needs to exactly match the organization used for your developer account. If your organization has had a change of name since it was incorporated, merge the change of name document and the document you’re using for verification purposes into a single PDF.

Q: My organization is a Trust, SPV or Fund, what do I do?

A: Providing your organization has a D-U-N-S number and a person who can enter the organization into legal agreements there should be no problem creating a developer account. Speak to your trustees/adminstrators to agree who can action this on your behalf.

If the trustees/administrators are unable to action the developer accounts, it may be possible for them to grant authority to a nominated person to act on behalf of the Trust/SPV e.g. someone from the managing agent or asset management company. The trustees/administrators should write a document for the attention of Apple and Google, with the following information:

  • Confirming the connection between the company setting up the account (e.g. managing agent/asset management company) and the Trust/SPV (organization).

  • Confirming the authority of the specified person(s) to take action, enter into legal agreements with, and communicate with Apple & Google on behalf of the organization. Other customers have had success when being specific with the nominated person(s) details e.g. Full Name, Email Address, Date of Birth - so it matches the ID provided to verify the individual’s identity.

Please be prepared for the process to take longer than planned, whilst Apple or Google confirms the nominated person(s) have authority to act. You may need to answer additional questions or provide further information or evidence. Please keep your Equiem contact informed of any steps you take so we can provide guidance where relevant.

Q: I’m not sure how to create an API key for the Equiem team, what do I do?

A: You can see our guides on creating an API key for Google and Apple at the links provided. We understand that this can seem technical, and may feel daunting to do alone. If you are unsure, or if your page layout is different to the guides provided, please let your Equiem contact know so we can schedule a live walkthrough together.

Q: What do I need to do for the Digital Services Act on my Apple Developer Account?

A: On your Apple developer account you need to indicate whether your organization is a trader or a non-trader - this will determine the information that is displayed alongside your app in the app store. You can learn more here. We will not be able to release your app to the App Store without this step being completed on your account. Equiem is unable to provide advice on whether your organization is a trader or not.

Apple Complience Requirements - Trader.mov

Q: I’ve been asked to accept the latest Apple License Agreement / Terms and Conditions, what do I do?

A: Please see our guide here on accepting the Apple License Agreement.

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