Approving/Declining a Loading Bay booking

Approving/Declining a Loading Bay booking

Booking approval is available to admins only

All approved bookings for the current day will display on the Vehicle Check In screen. This screen enables the security or loading bay team to check in and check out vehicles.

  1. Log in to the Loading Bay management system.

  2. You will be taken to the front navigation screen. Select Loading Bay from the menu item at the top. 

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 18.02.00.png
  1. To approve a booking click the green tick next to the booking.

  1. You will be given the option to Approve or Decline. If you decline the booking, please provide a reason why.

If you'd like loading bay bookings to be automatically approved please submit a support ticket with the following details:

  • Your property

  • Which loading bay(s) you’d like changed

The Equiem team will apply the relevant changes.

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