Spin the Wheel

Spin the Wheel


Campaign Summary

Campaign Type: Registration Event
Campaign Objectives: Driving Registrations

Drive registrations on launch day with this exciting, crowd-pleasing spectacle!

Occupiers register with a team member to take their turn spinning the wheel, bagging whichever prize it lands on.

A prize for every player ensures this event creates a fantastic atmosphere, with crowds gathering to try their luck and see who takes home the top prize.

Perfect for generating a buzz at your launch event, making occupiers smile and driving registrations!

Campaign Delivery

  1. Source and order your prizes. 

    Depending on the population at your building, we recommend around 20 main prizes, and x100 minor prizes (such as chocolate), so that everyone has the opportunity to win something. 

    You will also require the following to run this event:


    You will need x2 devices for the event:

    • One will be used to play Spin The Wheel - we recommend a large iPad for this. 

    • A device to check people in to the event - a mobile phone, laptop, or tablet can be used for this.


    • A table to lay out the prizes on to 

    • A table cloth (we recommend black)

    • You will need at least two team members to run this event, consider if you can manage this with your site team or if you require promo staff.

Example prize breakdown with a $500 budget:

x1 High Value Prize  - $100

x4 Medium-High Value Prizes - $150

x5 Medium Value Prizes - $120

x10 Low Value Prizes - $100

x100 Minor Prizes - $30 (e.g. Lollipops, Freddo Bars, Retro Sweets Tubs)


  1. Decide on the location of your event. We recommend a busy communal area to encourage occupiers who haven’t heard of the platform yet to take part/register.

    You will need to make sure the space allows for a queue of participants and there is enough room for a table set up with your prizes.

  2. Locate the post titled ‘Play spin the wheel with us - everyone who takes part will win a prize!’ in the Content Management System. 

    Fill in and amend the details as indicated by the square brackets. Adapt the content to suit, if required. Ensure you have updated the date, time and location. Ensure allow RSVPs and check in are both ticked.

    Once you have made the changes, set the content to publish. We recommend publishing this straight away in order to generate excitement about the event with early adopters.

Make sure you have activated your launch campaign of content as a first step, otherwise you will not be able to find launch content in the CMS.


  1. Download the app ‘Decide Now’- to your Spin The Wheel device. Upload all of the prizes to the spinner using the settings. You don’t need to upload all of your minor prizes if you have too many, but ensure there’s enough on there so that most people get to have a go at spinning. 

During the event, if you feel you are running out of prizes too quickly, add some more of your minor prizes to the list.


  1. Around an hour before your event is due to start, send a Single Post Notification to remind those who have RSVPd and encourage more attendees. We recommend changing the subject line to ‘Starting soon: Play spin the wheel with us - everyone who takes part will win a prize!’

Click here to read how to create and send a Single Post Notification


  1. Lay out ALL the prizes on your table. Feel free to dress it up with other things to make it look snazzy! 

    As occupiers begin to arrive, use the check-in app to check people in. If occupiers are slow to arrive, encourage people walking past to get involved, everyone wins a prize!

    Once they’ve checked in, let them spin! Take a photo of each main prize winner and their prize. 

After each spin, hit the button which says ‘deactivate item’ so that the prize gets removed from the list, otherwise members may land on a prize which has already been won.

Manage the queue by having one person checking people in,  and another person holding the Spin the Wheel device for the player.  

Encourage a buzz by cheering for winners!


  1. Throughout the event, try to talk to occupiers about what else they can expect from their new community platform and encourage them to share the news with their colleagues.

  2. Once all the prizes have been won, or the event finish time has been reached, pack away any remaining prizes, the table and device.

  3. Locate the post titled ‘Congrats to our Spin the Wheel winners’ in the Content Management System.

    Fill in and amend the details where indicated by the square brackets and add any photos from your event as the main content images, or in the body of the content if you prefer.

    Once you have made the changes, publish the content on your chosen date.

  4. Include the wrap up post in your next Newsletter.

Click here for our video guide on creating and scheduling Newsletters.


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