Mobile App General Release v. 3.22

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Equiem App - iOS and Android are available now

Client Apps - Available within the next few days



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Mobile App General Release v3.22

HID Invitation Deep-Linking


As part of being onboarding to using our HID Access Control integration, an end-user must be sent an invitation from the building's HID account (Origo). In this email, a unique 16 digit code is included, which the end-user must copy and input into our mobile app in order to redeem the invitation and obtain their mobile credential (equivalent to a physical access card) on our mobile app.

Prior to this point, end-users had to manually type this code into the below screen:

We can now support this being done automatically when a user clicks on the invitation code link in the email they receive from HID. Here's a demo of how this works:

UX Changes

As can be seen from the above demo, the UX is slightly different when using this feature. Instead of navigating the user directly to their access pass, after redeeming the invitation, it shows the user a message advising them they need to manually navigate to this section. All other parts of the integration remain the same.

Configuring the HID Deep-Linking

In order to make this work, it needs to be configured on the building's HID Origo account. It's unlikely you will have access to a client's HID account so these instructions will need providing to the client.

1 - Navigate to the HID Origo account e.g.

2 - Once logged in, go to the Mobile Identities section:

3 - Select the Settings section:

4 - Select the Invitation Email & Notification Settings:

5 - The following link needs entering in the highlighted section equiem://hid?invitationCode=. This is the same link for every white label app.

6 - Updating the email template can be done by clicking VIEW / EDIT INVITATION EMAIL TEMPLATE in the bottom corner. Refer to the blue information banner below as to why it's important to update the email template.

Deleting Items at Checkout

Deleting items at the checkout is done by swiping left. This is a common pattern on mobile and users are generally familiar with this based on using other mobile apps, particularly food ordering providers such as Uber Eats/Menulog. However, over the years we've had reports of this catching people out and subsequently our teams having to provide tutorials on how to delete items from the checkout. This is a rubbish thing to have to keep doing. Today we've stepped up our deletion game and included a trash can to further help delete items at the checkout. Note that you can still swipe left but now you can also click the trash can.

Bug Fixes/Improvements/Other

  • On iOS we fixed up an issue which prevented a user from scrolling when the keyboard was on show during registration. If they mistakenly went to sign up in the log in fields, they were unable to scroll down and select the Register link instead

  • A number of new white label apps were released and updates to existing ones

  • A number of minor bugs were fixed




Does the HID invitation deep-linking have to be used?


No. If no url is entered in HID, it still works fine and is what is currently the case for most, if not all, current clients. It then just requires the user to manually copy the code from their email and type this into the mobile app. The new feature just dramatically improves the user experience and speed of redeeming the invitation.