Mobile App General Release v 3.18

Release Date: 17/11/2022

Equiem App - iOS and Android are available now

Product/Application: Mobile

Mobile App General Release v3.18

Deal Product Updates

We will be sharing separate release notes for the Deal Product Updates work. This work involved work across multiple applications, Mobile being one of them. We will be deploying the work on Web and the VMS once the custom white label apps have been released.

Here's a short summary of the changes we made and how they apply to the Mobile app:

  • We've added the ability to include formatting, links and images within the main Deals Introduction section of the form in the VMS when creating a deal. As such you can include images and links in the body section:



  • Added a configuration option in the VMS to turn ON/OFF the deal icon overlay and ‘Deal’ text on the preview (note there's no deal icon overlay shown and the text 'Deal' is removed.)



  • Added restricted availability to the deal product:

  • Updated the ‘Limited Availability’ text on Web and Mobile to instead read ‘Restricted availability’ and it will now include the next available time and date:

  • Added the ability to include images in the Terms and Conditions section:

UbiPark Parking Integration Update

We've added a check to the UbiPark parking integration to prevent end-users utilising the integration if they don't have an active credit card on file. If we recognise there is no active CC (either prior to entry or exit), we will show the user the screen below and once they've added their card they will be directed back to the parking screen to continue.



Apple Wallet Suppression

This is only on the Equiem app. If a client expresses interest to have this for a custom white label app, please contact the Product Team as it can be a lengthy process and requires the client to apply themselves.

HID access control can be enabled for a site in Admin Panel. When enabled, it turns on the HID integration in the Equiem app (or custom white label app) for the particular site.

On iOS devices, Apple can force their Wallet to the foreground when a user uses their device against a HID reader which can be confusing to users. This feature prevents this from happening when the Equiem app is in the foreground (i.e. it's open on the user's device as per the below screenshot.) Wallet doesn't get suppressed when the Equiem app is in the background (not on the main screen but still running in the background of the device.)

End-users will see an Apple warning message upon opening the app for the first time. They will see this only once and it will not continue to be displayed each time they open the app.

Whilst the app is in the foreground (i.e. Apple Wallet is suppressed), the user’s mobile device will not be able to be used to automatically complete transactions using Apple Wallet e.g. completing a purchase using their mobile device against a card terminal.

No other end-user impacts will be experienced and the app will otherwise function as normal.


Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • We've removed the vendor email address from showing on the vendor profile screen

  • A fix has been made to handle when a HID mobile credential doesn't have a Key ID and causes our app to crash on the access pass screen

  • Additional white label apps and rebranding of existing apps

  • A number of bug fixes, dependency updates and minor enhancements









How do I get Apple Wallet suppression on a custom white label app?



Get in touch with us and we can provide details of how to commence this. It is not something Equiem has control over and is also reliant on Apple approving it. The approval of the Equiem app doesn't guarantee approval of another app.



When is the Deal Product Updates work being released on Web and VMS?



Once the custom apps are released. Probably around mid next week (~23/11/22).