Mobile App General Release v 3.19

Key Details

Release Date



Equiem App - iOS and Android are available now

Client Apps - In progress, expected ~ 3-5 days



System URL


HID Updates

Several changes have been made to the HID access control solution to improve the UX and align it with more recent changes we implemented as part of Gallagher access control last year.

Onboarding Screen

If installing the mobile app for the first time (or installing it again having deleted it) a user will be shown the following onboarding screen when selecting the HID access control option. It informs the user of the best mobile settings for their device:

Note that when comparing between iOS and Android, the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section text varies as it's specific to the operating system you are using (iOS/Android) as the device setting terminology varies between the two.

Invitation Screen

Previously, a new user to HID access control, would see the following two screens when accessing the integration:

Screen 1

Add access pass.

Screen 2

Enter your invitation code.

How it is now

Step 1

Screen 1 has been dropped altogether and users will land on the invitation screen straight away.

Some minor enhancements have been made to the above screen. Additionally an 'Info' icon has been added to the top text which provides a user with more context as to where their invitation comes from. If they tap on the icon, a modal will be shown to them:

Having entered their invitation code and if the user has not been issued with a Mobile ID, by the administrator inviting them from the respective HID account, they will be shown a screen advising them that their pass is being processed.

This new screen replaces the screen showing an access pass in a PROCESSING state to indicate that the pass hasn't been finalised.

If a Mobile ID has been issued as part of the invitation, the user will land on the screen showing their access pass as shown in the next section.

Device Settings Alert

Alerts have been added to advise the user that a required device setting needs enabling or a setting is suboptimal. These come in two formats:

Alert Banner

This is an alert to advise the user that a setting is suboptimal but not restricting their use of access control. The alert will remain in situ unless the user updates their device settings.

Modal Alert

The modal alert blocks the user from continuing unless they update their settings. If this is shown, a device setting is incorrect and must be updated in order to use access control.

Multiple Cards

To further align more recent changes implemented as part of Gallagher access control, the access pass screen itself (when you have an existing pass) has been updated. The previous screen looked as follows (this example is when there are two access passes present, e.g. one for the tenancy and one for base building)

This screen will now present as per below, with the following changes having been implemented:

  1. Instead of stacking cards on top of one another in a vertical column, we've implemented horizontal scroll so a user can navigate their cards when swiping left/right. This frees up room on the main screen to implement point 2.

  2. We've included the scanning icon and text

  3. The 'Active' tag for a card has been removed. A card is deemed active if it is present on this screen. Refer to the Invitation Screen section above for more information on this change

  4. KEY ID has been replaced with Mobile ID so it corresponds with the same terminology used in the HID platform where the invitations and mobile credentials are issued from

Apple Pay

Please note that this has been enabled for sites that opted in for this feature. If you chose not to opt in at this point, and/or want to opt in at a future date, please comment on this document and tag me.

This feature allows you to use Apple Pay as a payment option at the checkout. Note that Apple Pay is enabled in the Equiem app and also for all white label apps identified in the spreadsheet linked above.

At the checkout, you'll see the Apple Pay option when selecting the payment methods option at the bottom of the screen. Select that option and complete checkout as normal.

Ensure that Apple Pay has been set up on your Apple account in order to use this feature. See this guide for more information on how to set this up.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Vicinitee access pass (barcode) now includes the barcode number and expiry date

  • Gallagher SDK updated

  • Improvements to battery consumption when the app is running in the background

  • A number of bug fixes, minor enhancements and more white label apps