Mobile App General Release v. 3.20 [8.03.2023]

Key Details

Release Date



Equiem App - iOS and Android are available now

Client Apps - Android available now, iOS ~ within the next day



System URL


Mobile App General Release v3.20

General Updates

This release has included a number of smaller items but mainly addresses a requirement from Google which was blocking us from releasing our apps on Android. All of these are outlined below.

Reporting Comments

Google updated their privacy requirements with respect to User Generated Content (UGC) and made it a requirement that end-users could report another end-user's comment. As such, we had to build the ability for an end-user to report a comment and the UI has changed slightly to accommodate this.

Whilst the requirement was Android only, this is also included on iOS for parity sake. The feature is not currently available on the Web app but we do intend to add it in the future but there is no ETA currently.

The below changes have been implemented:

  • There's a new Operations icon at the right of the comment

  • Within this menu there are now two options

    • One to reply (you can still reply via the option at the bottom of the screen too)

    • One to report the comment

  • When a user reports a comment, we make a record of it and will follow a process to handle it.

Revised More Menu

A bug was identified with how the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy were displaying on the profile section:

As part of addressing this, we revised the below things on the more menu and removed the first two items from the profile section:

  • Included a 'Legal' section where the Terms & conditions and Privacy policy are now shown

  • Included the App version at the bottom of this screen

  • Removed the Log out button from the bottom of the screen and incorporated it into the main menu within the 'Other' section

The eagle-eyed will notice that there are varying cases for the options in the menu. Don't worry, we're addressing these (they should all be sentence case) but it's part of separate work.

Bug Fixes/Improvements/Other

  • The minimum OS version for using our mobile app on iOS devices was bumped up to v15.6. We needed to do this to support an access control integration. Separate comms were distributed relating to this change

  • A bug was fixed where the homepage feeds weren't updating on iOS when a change was made to the position or visibility of the feeds, when a user had their notification settings set to OFF in the app settings

  • A bug with Vicinitee access passes showing a default value, instead of the correct value, was fixed

  • Some other minor enhancements and bugs were fixed and SwiftConnect (access control solution) was included into our main mobile app codebase




I keep seeing random comments being left on my site which looks to be someone testing something. What are these?


As part of the release process, Apple and Google go through a process of testing our features. They do this across all of our apps (Equiem + White label version). One of the things they typically test is the commenting function and will leave a comment such as 'Testing' or 'Hi' on a post.

Unfortunately we do not have control over what content they choose to post on, even if we provide them with guidance. The people testing the apps vary from release to release.

If you notice a comment that needs removing (before we do) then you can do this via the post in Iris. At the top of the post there's a button titled 'Comment report'. Select that and within the report there is a Delete button for removing these comments.