New Occupier Move-in Guide
When a new occupier moves into your building, various elements of your Equiem platform need to be updated so that they can use it.
Follow the below guide to make sure you’ve covered everything.
- 1 General
- 1.1 Company Management
- 1.2 Workplace Managers
- 1.3 Segmentation
- 1.4 Welcome Content
- 2 Visitor Management Module
- 2.1 Tenant Reception
- 2.2 Tenant Receptionists
- 2.3 Training
- 2.4 Permissions
- 3 Request Management Module
- 3.1 Queues
- 3.2 Permissions
- 3.3 Training
- 4 Bookings Module
- 4.1 Segmentation
- 4.2 Training
- 5 Vicinitee
- 5.1 Company Management
- 5.2 Roles
- 5.3 Segmentation
The below steps should be followed for all Equiem platforms and do not relate to a specific module.
Company Management
As a first step, you’ll need to add your new occupier as a company to Equiem One. This will ensure users from the company can register to the platform and you can configure any additional modules for use by the company.
Read a guide to adding a company here.
Workplace Managers
To encourage adoption, invite your Workplace Manager(s) to the platform just ahead of the new company move-in date. Share training materials relevant to their role, including for any additional modules you might have, and encourage them to invite their employees to register for the platform using the new user invite widget.
Find Workplace Manager guides here.
Use the Content Management System to check if any of the existing segmented content on your platform is relevant for your new occupier. If so, ensure the new occupier is included in the relevant segmentation audience or adjust the content segmentation to include the new occupier.
It can take up to two hours for a new company added in Equiem One to be visible in the Content Management System segmentation widget
If you use the Marketplace module, you will also need to check the segmentation on any products to ensure they include the new occupier, if required.
Find a guide to segmentation here.
Welcome Content
We recommend adding personalised content to your platform to welcome the new occupier to the building. This might include a post to all members welcoming the new occupier and providing a short overview of what they do, and segmented content specifically for the new occupier such as a welcome guide to the building.
If you have access to the Equiem content library as part of your package, you can find templates for new occupiers by searching ‘welcome’ in the library
Find a guide to adding a news post here.
Visitor Management Module
The below steps should be followed for those with the Equiem Visitor Management Module only.
Tenant Reception
Create a tenant reception for the new occupier in Equiem One. This will ensure your new occupier can invite visitors to your building.
Find a guide to adding a tenant reception here.
Tenant Receptionists
Add the relevant users as receptionists to the tenant reception. You might like to add your Workplace Manager as a receptionist so they can become familiar with the system ahead of moving in.
Receptionist users will need to be a registered user of your platform
Find a guide to adding tenant receptionists here.
Share any Visitor Management System training guides with your relevant contacts at the new company.
Find Visitor Management training videos here.
Configure the Visitor Management permissions for the new occupier to determine if all of their employees can invite visitors or only select employees.
Select employees will also need to be added either by you or your Workplace Manager. Employees will need to be a registered user of the platform before they can be added here.
Find a guide to Visitor Management permissions here.
Request Management Module
The below steps should be followed for those with the Equiem Request Management Module only.
Consider if you have any existing Request Management queues that will need to be edited following the new occupier arrival, for example, including additional spaces in specific queues.
Raise a support ticket to action any changes.
Configure the Request Management permissions for the new occupier to determine if all of their employees can raise requests or only select employees.
Select employees will also need to be added either by you or your Workplace Manager. Employees will need to be a registered user of the platform before they can be added here.
Find a guide to Request Management permissions here.
Share the Request Management System training guide with your Workplace Manager at the new company.
Find Request Management training videos here.
Bookings Module
The below steps should be followed for those with the Equiem Bookings Module only.
Check the Bookings module for segmentation of any existing resources or rates to ensure they include the new occupier, if required.
Find a guide to Bookings permissions here.
Share the Bookings training guide with your Workplace Manager at the new company.
Find the Bookings training guides here.
The below steps should be followed for those who use a Vicinitee tool(s) only.
Company Management
In addition to adding the new occupier on Equiem One, if you use any Vicinitee tools, you will need to add them as a new company on Vicinitee too.
You can do this by adding an Office Occupier from the Admin section. Find a guide here.
Roles for the Vicinitee tools need to be allocated in addition to any roles added in Equiem One. Add any required roles to users from the new company, for example, providing your Workplace Manager a role to submit permits, if applicable.
Find a guide for allocating roles here.
Ensure that any segmented Quicklinks to Vicinitee tools such as Permits or Loading Bay include the new occupier in the audience, if required.