Surveys allow you to create personalised questionnaires that you can send out to users to gather information such as satisfaction levels, nps score or happiness score.
Create a new survey
To create a survey for your users do the following:
Click on the (+) icon on the surveys page.
Fill in the following details for your new survey.
Survey name.
The URL of the survey you have created with a survey provider.
If you want to use this as an offboarding survey.
Message title.
Message content.
Choose if you want to send the survey to users via email or within the app.
To create the survey click [Create Survey]
Edit a survey
To edit a survey, select the survey you want to adjust on the Survey templates page and click the︙.
When editing a survey you can choose to do the following:
Change the details.
Enable ways of sending it out.
Decide to use it for offboarding.
Delete the survey using the [Remove] button.
To save your changes click the [Save Changes] button.
Survey Tabs
Surveys are grouped into four categories for your convenience:
Survey Templates.
Sent Surveys.
Offboarding Surveys.
Scheduled Surveys.
You can use the filters for more detailed searches.
You cannot edit surveys that have already been sent. But you can remind selected users to complete the survey.